Democrat Senators Turn On Biden: ‘He is Not Doing Enough on Border Crisis’ – IOTW Report

Democrat Senators Turn On Biden: ‘He is Not Doing Enough on Border Crisis’

Trish Intel

“While I share President Biden’s urgency in fixing our broken immigration system, what I didn’t hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the border,” said Arizona’s Democratic Senator Mark Kelly in a written statement referring to President Biden’s state of the union address.

Joe Biden failed to mention the border crisis in his address, instead he asked Congress to pass “a comprehensive immigration bill.” more here

17 Comments on Democrat Senators Turn On Biden: ‘He is Not Doing Enough on Border Crisis’

  1. Fraud Biden is just the facade puppet, don’t bother asking him for zip. The puppet masters are the ones who have the strings, ask them. Fraud Biden couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag with holes in both ends. We don’t have an actual president we have an illusion.

  2. He caused the “crisis” – why would he do anything about it?
    Caterwauling Demonrats are trying to position themselves politically advantageously – they don’t GAF about the border, the crime, the victims, Biden, or the rat-people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All talk and no action.
    I’ll believe they have “turned” on Biden when they actually vote against his agenda.
    Boot Chuck-You Schumer, rein in the squad, uphold the Constitution would all be good starts.
    Until then, they are still Ds.

  4. Democrats don’t fix problems. They project them on to their opponent. Once a Marxist, always a Marxist. The game plan is fundamental. Flood the nation with as many dependent illegals as possible over the next four years. Promise them everything, buy their votes, then sit back and take permanent control of the treasury, judicial, legislatures and executive branch, then crush the middle class with the help of giant corporations and turn America into a socialist serfdom. The party is staging their seat at the table of the New One World Order. The connected ‘ones'(elites) are granted special entitlements, everyone else is just fodder. They fear revolution so badly that they push for gun control and falsely label political dissention as “insurrection” all while ignoring the real domestic terrorism of (P)antifa and BLM. The public is slow to wake up and even slower to acknowledge their own apathy. It’s one big Ponzi game and ignorant leftists are the useful-idiot minions who will carry out the dictate as all good little toady apparatchiks always do.

  5. Asking “Congress to pass ‘a comprehensive immigration bill.'” is kind of like telling the farmer he cannot close the barn door to keep the rest of his horses from escaping until he understand the motivation behind why the horses want to leave the barn.

  6. What will they do when the Biden economy becomes a major crisis? What about China? Iran?

    We have a full set of tidal waves headed our way under this farcical administration. Is this what they want?

  7. I think I see where this is going. Mark Kelly is rumored to be running for Az governor in 2022 when Ducy’s tour is up. Gotta start leaving a trail of “common sense” statements for the still fairly conservative population of Az well ahead of the elections no matter what his actual beliefs are. Sinema has been somewhat of a surprise to me for her public actions but they’re both politicians (democrat politicians, not that it makes much difference) and expert in wool pulling….

  8. “Not doing enough”?
    Since what he HAS done is secretly ship thousands all over the country without any kind of ID papers or wuflu tests, I’m not sure what demons might mean by that.
    No doubt immigration attorneys from Catholic Charities have carefully explained to them how to steal someone else’s ID.

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