Democratic Candidates Hint At Support For Unlimited Abortion Access – IOTW Report

Democratic Candidates Hint At Support For Unlimited Abortion Access

Daily Caller:

MIAMI — The Democratic candidates debating in Miami this week narrowly avoided embracing unrestricted abortion as a policy platform, opting instead to skirt the issue of third-trimester abortions by citing a woman’s right to privacy.

None of the candidates who addressed the subject on the debate stage mentioned any kind of restriction or limit on the procedure, which Democrats used to refer to as ideally being “safe, legal and rare.” Most of them instead boasted about their commitment to ensuring women have access to abortion. The Daily Caller also talked to several candidates and campaigns following the debates, and found an unwillingness to stipulate any restrictions.

“Those decisions should only be made by women,” Gillibrand told the Caller, referring to abortions in the third trimester. “They should not be made by governments, they should not be made by the thirty legislatures around the country, that their whole intention is to overturn Roe v. Wade.

As to whether the government should regulate abortion at all, Gillibrand said, “[That decision] should only be made by a woman, because these are such fundamental human rights — they have a right to make it.” She said earlier this year that the Democratic Party should oust all of its pro-life members. read more

13 Comments on Democratic Candidates Hint At Support For Unlimited Abortion Access

  1. “[That decision] should only be made by a woman, because these are such fundamental human rights — they have a right to make it.”

    What if the fetus is a female?

  2. As long as it will include ‘Over late term’ abortions for any Clintons, Bushes, Bidens, Pelousis, RINOS (add the entire Democrat short school bus wannabe’s list) than count me in!

  3. A few years ago in BC it was found that women from some cultures were getting abortions because they found that the baby was female. It was decided that ultrasound technicians would be prohibited from disclosing the gender of the fetus because it was “unprofessional.” Mind you, it was not unprofessional for a doctor to abort the baby; it was only unprofessional to disclose the gender of the baby so that the mother might want to abort it.

    Liberalism at work.

  4. Were I to have Mr. Trump’s ear for twenty seconds I would tell him to remind America and the women’s right to choose cabal that their abortion spree has killed approximately 30 million women…so far

  5. Updated Progressive 2020 Platform:

    Destroy Capitalism and Install Socialism.
    Remove God from the Public Square.
    Raise Taxes.
    Slow the Economy.
    Supress Judeo-Christian Philosophy and Religious Faith.
    Insist on Infanticide on Demand Especially Up To and Including Birth.
    Insist That “Up” is Acutally “Down” and “Bad” is “Good”.
    Teach The Sheep That Defending Our Borders is Not Only Wrong, But Hateful.
    Encourage the Proliferation of Islam in the United States.
    Keep Working On Eroding the Distinction Between Legal and Illegal Immigrants.
    Strive for Pedophilia Protections Under Local and Federal Law.
    Defund the Military.
    Tell Everyone, All the Time, That Our Founding Fathers Were Evil Men Who Should Be Wiped From Memory.
    Ensure That the Democrat Plantation Continues On Only Not As Publicly As We Did Between the 186o’s and the 1960’s.
    Tell the Slaves of the New Plantation That It’s All In Their Best Interest and That We’ll Take Care of Them.
    Allow Non-Citizens to Vote in All Elections.
    Progressive Control of All Media.
    Promote A One World Government.
    Fight Tooth and Nail for Progressive Indoctrination of Schools and Colleges.
    Pay Reparations for Slavery.
    Defund and/or Ban Conservatives and Conservative Philosophy From All Social Media Platforms
    Ban Conservative From the Public Square.
    Tell Everyone That The United States Was Built With Slave Labor and If It Wasn’t For That, We Wouldn’t Exist.
    Ban George Orwell’s Book ‘1984’.
    Ensure and Insist the Dependency of Minorities on Government Is Their Only Hope.
    Decriminalize and Encourage All Current and Future Deviancy as the New Norm.
    Grow the Federal Government in Size and Power
    Install as Many Recent Foriegners and Radicals Into the House and Senate as possible.
    Install As Many of the Intellectually Challenged Into Government Positions of Power as Possible.
    Install Socialists and Communists Into the Highest Positions of Local and Federal Governments.
    Elect a Muslim Anti-Semite Who Wants to Fundamentally Change the United States. [OH, YEAH….DONE!]

  6. “Girls must be given the right to an abortion.” The Left considers that an indisputable fact.

    But in order to need abortions, girls must be given the legal right to have sex, or more precisely, for anyone to have legal sex with them, without any restrictions. Girls already have free birth control access, gardasil, no parent notification of anything, sometimes including molestation…so it follows.

    Make no mistake that’s the real goal here, to sexually activate all children, as with sodomites and boys.

  7. @TheRealTruthSerum – NOONE has the right to make that decision due to the inonvenience it is. It’s simply a death sentence pronounced on a helpless human being. I hope they all suffer here and in the deepest parts of Hell for the muders of these babies. This is infanticide! Just how many more have to be slaughtered before all the ignoramuses get it?

  8. “Just how many more have to be slaughtered before all the ignoramuses get it?”

    Oh, they DO get it. They always have. Very, very few are truly ignorant that it’s a human being. Don’t ever doubt that.

  9. I’m just referring to the “ignoramuses”, by the way. Those behind the push for infanticide know what their doing. Face it…..the MAJORITY voted in Obama and figured they knew what they were doing too.


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