Democrats Cancel Their Month Of Rioting In D.C. – IOTW Report

Democrats Cancel Their Month Of Rioting In D.C.

Weasel Zippers

They cancelled the “White House Siege” that was supposed to last 50 days until the election. Best guess? They couldn’t get enough people and/or they’re worried about Barr’s threat of charging people with sedition. So they’re whining about the “threats” they supposedly got, a highly dubious claim. They’re even lamer and weak-kneed than their original creation, Occupy. Adbusters was behind his and helped instigate Occupy. Their whining is the funniest thing of the day. More

18 Comments on Democrats Cancel Their Month Of Rioting In D.C.

  1. …another reason could be the Communist Democrats’ “internal polling”. I just read (somewhere) that Pelosi is calling for the rioting to end because, guess what?, Americans don’t like it.

    I wish their internal polling would tell them to stop breathing.

  2. I checked the news several times yesterday and there were no reports of “occupiers” around the WH. They were overwhelmed with fear – such brave revolutionaries.

    Now they can go back to occupying their mothers’ basements.

  3. DC riots could have been ugly, blocks ablaze, live gunfire and murdered dead cops, forcing the activation of extremely forceful control measures resulting in dozens of severely injured “peaceful protestors” and possibly many deaths.

    That scenario is about the worst possible for President Trump heading into the election. Outcry over alleged injustices thrown upon rioters/ protesters makes for bad news cycles.

    The dRats’ cancellation of the autumn street games in DC is very good news. Destruction of DC is delayed, and President Trump remains on the moral high road when it comes to the riots. His restraint so far is to be commended. He wisely will not play into the schemes of the dRats.

  4. “Waaaaaahhh! All we wanna do is scream real loud, block traffic, assault drivers and diners, throw stuff at the cops, loot stores, and burn shit down! Why you givin’ us a hard time?! Y’all violatin’ our RIGHTS!! WTF! Waaaaaahhh!”

  5. And their announcements come from the General Assembly. Lol! A very fair-weather French Revolution.

    They are so hoping to make that the National Assembly. But they’re a scared.

  6. Trump puts the occupiers under siege by looking at them without blinking.

    I had a Husky/shepherd mix dog who could back up wandering mutts in the area just by standing up and letting them see her. They’d turn tail and run.


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