Democrats’ Contempt for the Military Reached New Heights in 2020 Election – They Showed It by STEALING Military Votes In Multiple Swing States – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Contempt for the Military Reached New Heights in 2020 Election – They Showed It by STEALING Military Votes In Multiple Swing States

GP: President Trump loves the military men and women and they love him.  But something criminal happened in the 2020 election where poll watchers in multiple states reported seeing military ballots tampered with and their votes going to Joe Biden.

The Democrats showed their true regard for the military in the 2020 election.  In at least two states, the military ballots were suspiciously altered and adjusted to change their votes away from the President they loved to the candidate who belittled them, Joe Biden. more

8 Comments on Democrats’ Contempt for the Military Reached New Heights in 2020 Election – They Showed It by STEALING Military Votes In Multiple Swing States

  1. Just as the Democrats want all of those they have been disparaging for the past four years to unite with them in peace and harmony, they will expect the military that they have been pissing on for years to help enforce their tyrannical dictates.

    They don’t realize that it is not the kiss-ass generals they have promoted that do the job: it is the grunt they have been disparaging for 55 years that does it. And they won’t.

  2. Our military is split: the ‘swamp’ class (like Mattis and friends) can’t be trusted AT ALL. The nonswamp ranks (captain and below) are almost all patriots, though obama purged the military of thousands of them during that termite’s (and that fat fuck he drags around) infestation in the White House.

    Just look:

    We need to get the fuck OUT of what is the former “America”. Our country is run by a swamp of shit (republicans among them) closely allied with Communist China. China will slowly squeeze take over, like they have done in Hong Kong.


  3. Don’t be so sure the rank and file are all die-hard patriots. I served post-9/11 — when the military (especially the Army) seriously lowered standards just to meet enlistment quotas, and I was shocked at what I saw. Many of those culls who should never have been admitted are still there.

  4. So why the fuck is the military not speaking up?

    If it is one group that would be easier to contact, interview & trace the chain of custody & fraud it would be from their voting locations to the counting mechanism.

    Show me ANY large group of military personnel that could muster 30% for the sellout Chyna enablers vs. what I have seen at the Army/Navy game even this year with reduced capacity.

    Do an isolated anonymous poll of ANY US Carrier & just give the confidential Percentages.


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