Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level

Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources.


The important news of the day–far beyond the inevitable tedious impeachment jousting–is that John Durham’s investigation of the provenance of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded, according to several administration officials.

Fox News previously reported that Durham would be reviewing the days leading up to the 2016 election and through the inauguration.

However, based on what he has been finding, Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources, the senior administration officials said. The timeline has grown from the beginning of the probe through the election and now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.

That’s the same Robert Mueller who testified under oath he was “not familiar” with Fusion GPS after years investigating a supposed scandal instigated by that company. This eye-rolling lie is far more significant than anything he has prosecuted others for. This is the same Mueller who also lied, administration officials just informed us, in denying, again under oath, he interviewed for the FBI job before becoming special counsel.

Actually, it’s worse. As the president’s former lawyer John Dowd put it: “Capt. Robert Mueller, USMC, sits in front of his commander in chief being interviewed for FBI director knowing he is going to investigate the president and never says a word.”

Comey and Mueller–separated at birth, two extremely pompous liars. No wonder they’re pals. But leave all that aside. What has Durham found, possibly in concert with his superior AG William Barr, that necessitated expansion of his work? read more

37 Comments on Democrats’ Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level

  1. Years ago I read an article about the use of canned laughter in TV shows. The author was the sound engineer for a TV show. A producer told him to add some canned laughter after a line.

    The author said, “But that wasn’t funny.”

    The producer replied, “Just do it.”

    A few weeks later the two were watching the finished program. After that (not funny) line, laughter was heard.

    The producer said, “See? I told you it was funny.”

    That is how the Democrats are. They keep talking about all of these terrible things that Trump has done even though they have no evidence. Then they look in the MSM, who parrot whatever the Democrats say, and the Democrats say, “See? I told you he was evil.”

  2. I’m sorry. What country have i been born and raised in?
    What residual evil has the muslim President unleashed on this country? I get uncontrollable chills sometimes.
    How deep is this deep state we think we’re on to?
    If Hillary won would we know about the evil that permeates the bureaucratic untouchable monsters that know better than us.

    And how blessed are we that smart founders set up smart systems like the electoral college to at least slow the predictable rise of bureaucrats to once again enslave us?

    Count your many blessings. President Trump is singlehandedly, through Divine Intervention, saving us from a tyranny that not even he fully understands. Nor do we.

    I am convinced that he is a servant of God, ordained by Him, to get us through a time of deep national trouble.

  3. Picture the Democrats as the art collector. Durham the attorney.

    A New York attorney, representing a wealthy art collector, called and asked to speak to his client.
    “John, I have some good news and I have some bad news.”
    The art collector replied, “You know, I’ve had an awful day, Fred, so let’s hear the good news first.”
    The lawyer said, “Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she has invested only $5,000 in two very nice pictures that she thinks will bring somewhere between $15 and $20 million…and I think she could be right.”
    John replied enthusiastically, “Holy cow!! Well done !! My wife is a brilliant business woman, isn’t she? You’ve just made my day. Now, I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?”
    The lawyer replied, “The pictures are of you and your secretary”

  4. Nuts. Rush to post.

    If Hillary won we would NOT KNOW about the evil…

    But you already knew that.

    Think of all the evil that swirled around obama and clinton that we’d never know about.

  5. Panic? You mean like Comey’s book tour and repetitious tweet goading the President? Or Brennan’s nightly MSNBC platform to call for him to be hanged hang or executed for treason?
    How about Clapper’s CNN gig and book deal?
    Maybe McCabe and Strzok suing for losing their jobs to political retribution by the President?
    Or the dems harassment of the President on a daily basis w/threat of impeachment?

    Have we changed the definition of panic?

  6. @PHenry,

    “If Hillary won we would NOT KNOW about the evil…”

    We DID know, which is why Trump got elected by We The People. Deep down we knew Trump would throw a wrench into the works at minimum and at best people would hang because of it.

    I’m praying for the latter, but I’m not upset with his success so far.

    The left has gone totally batshit which is proof enough to me that he’s over the target and about to throw-down with political nukes.

  7. @Tsunami.

    We sensed the evil.

    Soon we’ll have documented evidence.

    Is it just me or are you as excited as I am about Trump’s rally in Minneapolis tomorrow? Mayor Shakedown became Mayor Smacked Down by Trump.

    Quite honestly, it’s rumble time. We conservatives need to get visible and get LOUD AND UGLY.

    Politeness and gentlemanly and gentlewomanly approaches at the local level is a waste of time.

  8. Seeing as I’ve been alive since Benghazi took place, Hillary’s private server and her emails, fast and furious, etc, I’ll start paying attention when cell doors are closing behind these folks. Until then I consider everything fictitious.

  9. Several sources I respect have suggested that POTUS wore a wire when the weasels brothers (Rosenstein/Mueller) showed up – remember when he said ‘they better hope there aren’t recordings’? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what a successful NY real estate guy would think about trust–my gut feeling is that POTUS trusts NO ONE but his family-maybe his legal team, but no one else. How else would there be proof that Mueller lied about his reason for going to the WH? Hope they’re right-

  10. I TRUST this man like I have NOT trusted any man before, in office that is. And I trust the bagpiping Big Bear as well, he’s the quiet type grazing the world for evidence…supposedly.

    And I have never even have seen ONE episode of the Apprentice, I have been living with ‘the Donald’ from when I can remember growing up in the Bronx, seeing him on those talk shows, late night, early morning etc, being on the front page of the Post or the Dreadful Daily News, the fights with Rosie.

    This shit takes TIME people, an investigation that has actual teeth, is NOT going to happen over night. Our POTUS knows this, he has past experience with investigations of whatever nature, he is or was a private business all his life so he knows how real shit works. He has even had dealings with the IBF with his private business(s) and maybe involved Muuuueller many years ago. Check that for me.

    A case must be built and when that case is made clear to the ‘American people’, by DJT, people WILL listen. The media will have no choice but to listen as well, as the traitors they are realize they have no escape route now. DJT is setting these people up. He is drawing them out into the open where they become for all to see in their nakedness…exposed that is. He is feeding the meat, in fishing they call it chum or TROLLING. For hunters it’s called ‘baiting’ (which I believe is quite illegal in most places).

    THIS is what POTUS is doing Charlie Brown. And when he gets a second term @ PHenry GOD willing ( I basically agree with YOUR premise)

    He will be known as the greatest anti-government corruption president of any previous president YES even Sweaters Carter.

  11. addendum:

    I do not expect ‘them’, the highest level conspirators, to be going to jail or anything like that. The POTUS will be kind in their End to them.

    My dream is, I know I know, they leave the country in disgrace to never return, ‘Men and Women with No Nation’ status in the future and in history would be fine with me.

    Jailing former presidents and secreteries of state is very difficult.

    But former AIC and IBF members, you know who, the ones on TV these days, should be and hopefully will be.

  12. @ghost

    Yes the democrat scurrying is foretelling. I will leave it at that.

    If your enemy is destroying itself its best to step back and enjoy the show.

    Sun Tzu
    Or a guy like Sun Tzu. A wise man. Obviously not P Tzu.

  13. IF not for basically TWO people this would NOT have even come to light in the filthy dark DC Swamp:

    Admiral Mike Rogers
    Congressman Devin Nunes

    Now Rudy. They can, or we can for that matter, question the Tic Tock bullshit from Hannity (who has done good work btw), but Rudy is…well Rudy.

    He saved NYC BEFORE 9-11 and then he saved it AFTER 9-11.

    @ Ghost said trust?? Yeah, correct, and I trust Rudy. He is like a driving ram against the enemy castle main door and he has the momentum and ‘gravitas’ behind him…btw another EXPERT with corruption cleaning.

  14. @ghost of brig gen j glover October 9, 2019 at 9:14 pm

    > This shit takes TIME

    Which is only an “argument” if the putative “shit” makes a difference. “This’ll go on your permanent record”, is only a “threat” if that will change anything. The first set of charges against Jeffrey Epstein didn’t inhibit his (future) lifestyle. Charging one Party member, and threatening to bankrupt them, while the rest of their family continues collecting payments from their “beneficiaries” — because exterminating bloodlines is not who we are (pardon me, that gravitas disheveled my bowtie), doesn’t even rattle any apple carts, let alone goring any(body else’s) oxen.

    Most of what Donald Trump even hints at, is pure bluff. He backs away from it even if not called out. Maybe that’s his “art of the deal”. But, even if he had the wherewithal to carry it all out (which would require exterminating some of his own bloodline), the result would be Kabuki with fireworks, instead of the “fake” Kabuki we’ve gotten for the first communist century.

    I’ve got no issue with Drumpf Dreamers trusting some “plan”. The “plan” they dream of will have the same “in real life” change as no “plan”, at all. Enjoy.

  15. @ghost of brig gen j glover October 9, 2019 at 9:35 pm

    > My dream is…

    I got distracted, before posting. Your addendum wasn’t on the page version I had loaded.

    Wow. Just… wow.

    As I said, “En-joy”. The real world will turn out just the way you dream. No matter what.

  16. Trump will be destroyed, his empire will be dismantled to pay legal fees and fines, Hillary will end up with some of his properties in her Foundation, the populace will be bombarded forever with fake news and propaganda, taxes will double, and conservatives will be ridiculed, banned from social media denied loans and jobs etc etc…the Left includes Hitler and his Socialism, Stalin and his communism, Pol Pot, Mao and his red army and so on…If Hillary, Hunter Biden, Obama, Brennan, two FBI agents out of the many, the Dems lose control of the House and several fake news organizations do not go BK….then your quality of life is going down. The Constitution needs to be a sacred document followed by the citizens of the Republic and should be pinned to the clothing of a few who should be executed..I watch sites such as Yahoo, AOL, Facebook, Google all filled with trash articles, propaganda and hate…they must be replaced. The Left is preparing the table, setting the utensils, rewarding the guests and you are the meal..

  17. Me again, I’m not one to be blunt, but you are out of your fucking mind. And anyone that thinks that way will be getting the in the way of those of us that have no intention of being run over by these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  18. You know as soon as they start pulling in the small RATS they are going to start rolling over on the BIGGER RATS!

    I’m not gonna start celebrating until I see some of those commie asswipes in Orange Jumpsuits and handcuffs!

  19. @Me again October 9, 2019 at 10:42 pm

    > The Left is preparing the table, setting the utensils, rewarding the guests and you are the meal..

    Since “Not the Left’s” only desire is to have the Left sit down, and wait until it’s their turn… again… I don’t know why you seem to be upset.

  20. @Anon- Is that your real name? To which Anon am I talking here to??

    What does Epstein have to do with the corrupt price of tea in Cccccchina?

    You are the problem. Stand aside while WE fight a battle and war here.

    With that attitude, according to YOUR own logic, your head will be the first to go, NOT MINE.

    I’ll wait.

  21. @ Anon – “Most of what DJT even hints at, is pure bluff…”

    Talk about BLUFF, more like BULLSHIT.

    This is what is called speaking in platitudes aka speaking with forked tongue.

    Please name and list your examples of ‘hints’.

    …stilllll waitin’!

  22. BFH, I’ve either read it, or heard it, but the surest way to be banned from iOTW is to use someone else’s name in making a comment. I endorse that, it’s a genuine violation. So, with that being said, why are these anonymous guys allowed to continue being anonymous. It’s clear there is more than one of them. Which one is hiding behind another’s identity? Why are they special because they all choose to be anonymous? Just something that bugs the shit out of me.

  23. @ghost of brig gen j glover October 9, 2019 at 11:23 pm

    > Stand aside while WE fight a battle and war here.

    Stand? I won’t even sit and watch. You want to pay someone (with some one else’s money) to push the buttons (so you don’t have to), to march “your” spritely knight across the screen, until some evil dragon flashes, and disappears. Then you can do the dance of joy.

    And you expect… you want… to walk out to your car, when “The Battle for Great Justice” is over… to be greeted by the same Somali rock slingers “watching your car”, as you paid to “watch your car” when you parked it. So you can pay them, again.

    As I wrote… “enjoy”. And no need to wait. As you said, what you want, what you dream of, is more of the same. Only more same-y. “Here, lemme lift that for you.” There you go. Same as it ever was.

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