Democrats Hit Two Massive Roadblocks on the Path to Gun Control Legislation – IOTW Report

Democrats Hit Two Massive Roadblocks on the Path to Gun Control Legislation

RedState: In the aftermath of mass shooting tragedies in this country, the first thing elected officials – especially on the left – do is to begin pointing fingers at the other side while making vile accusations. The second thing is to commence with “do something” rhetoric, in some instances out of a genuine desire to make people safer but in others to “never let a crisis go to waste” in using it to try and implement massive power grabs over the American people. 17 others were wounded.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen this scenario play out among Democrats almost to the letter in the ten days since the horrific mass shooting that happened at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas which saw a deranged 18-year-old gunman shoot his grandmother in the head before proceeding to the school he once attended and murdering 19 students age 11 and under and two teachers who were trying to protect them. 17 others were wounded.

But in their quest to try and ram through gun control legislation that their Republican critics say would not only not prevent more gun violence in schools but would also further erode the Second Amendment, Democrats have found themselves running into two massive roadblocks: Each other and voters.

As CNN of all places reported Wednesday, the opinions of the American people are not as pro-gun control as Democrats and some in the media want people to think: MORE

25 Comments on Democrats Hit Two Massive Roadblocks on the Path to Gun Control Legislation

  1. No one is giving up their fucking guns after watching a bunch of chickenshit cops stand around with their thumbs up their asses while little kids were being systematically murdered by some faggot merely yards away. Anyone who gives up their guns will be fodder for criminals; just like the people in Mexico are today.

  2. “American people are not as pro-gun control as Democrats want people to think”

    Democrats have never allowed the beliefs of the People or the Constitution get in the way of their legislative agenda.

    Take Abortion, immigration policy, healthcare, energy policy, Foreign policy, etc., etc. for examples.

    The interests of the American people fall well below democrat socialist policy, special interest lobbyists, the establishment elite transformation agenda, green new deal, the UN and the huge campaign contributors.

    Democrats aren’t tone deaf, they just don’t care what the American people desire or what limitations are stated in the Constitution. Their quest for power to change the US into their mold for socialism/communism light is their end game.

  3. “Democrats Hit Two Massive Roadblocks on the Path to Gun Control Legislation”

    …The first should be a gallows for anyone who tries to take out God-given right to self-defense.

    The second won’t matter if the first is done promptly and properly.

    Always finish with “May God have mercy on your soul”.

    Because Communists sure as hell don’t deserve any mercy on Earth.

  4. The Government (Congress, Senate, President) CANNOT change the US Constitution WITHOUT a Convention of States First!
    Any attempt to subvert this is illegal and WILL Start a revolution!!!

  5. Maybe start executing people that perform “mass shootings” and you’ll get the point across that it’s something you wouldn’t want to do. Include abortionists in that , too.

  6. Reloader 83
    “CANNOT change the US Constitution”
    They don’t have to change the Constitution, they just want to pass the Red Flag law so they can walk into anybodys home and confiscate weapons. All they have to say is, “Someone alerted us”.

    I said before Uvalde stinks, they waited for the media to show up. In the end an OFF DUTY Border Patrol agent made the save.
    This video is getting scrubbed.
    Uvalde Mom. Ran into school shooting.
    Starts @ 3:58

  7. Lee Malvo and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are still cooling their heels at our expense.
    I don’t know why we suffer them to live.

    Liars, traitors, murderers – we keep allowing them to usurp high offices in the FedGov and the Several States – and yet we can’t figure out why they don’t fear us? Why they continue to steal elections through fraud and deceit?

    They openly use the courts as their rubber-stamp “seal of legality,” regardless of the obvious violations of the US Constitution and the Constitutions of the Several States.

    The FBLie lied to and emasculated the FISA Court and John Roberts with ABSOLUTE immunity – the Court did not even pretend to protect its “integrity” – proof that is has NONE.

    Sadly, we will slide into the maelstrom before we awaken to the dangers all around us – which are as obvious as Claxons and Beacons – giant neon-lighted fingerposts pointing at the usurper and his harpy, the malicious treasonous maggots on the SCROTUS, and the sissies and greedy corrupt-o-crats in the Legislatures.

    May God have mercy on us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Don’t worry about any of this. The Federal Government will protect us from all those elected* Representatives who swore under oath to preserve, protect and defend those parts of the Constitution that they still like. After all, it’s a living document. It wasn’t written when abortions were considered to be another, deadly form of birth control; when Homosexualists were out and poncing about and anxious to get married to prove how normal they were; when hand guns and rifles could fire more than one round without reloading; and when millions of illegal aliens from Third World Shitholes were needed to keep electing* those Representatives who can’t preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. It’s just an old Document that needs to be ignored when it gets in the way of Seditious Traitors who don’t believe that the Second Amendment means what it did way back in 1787 when Patriots wrote it.

  9. Go ahead and ban guns and ammo, then find people to start going door to door to enforce the ban.

    You are going to run out of enforcers before we run out of our guns and ammo. But if you keep it up long enough, maybe we will have been able to purge a whole bunch of commies from our country.

  10. Hunter
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 10:36 AM
    “Go ahead and ban guns and ammo, then find people to start going door to door to enforce the ban.

    You are going to run out of enforcers before we run out of our guns and ammo. ”

    …are you SURE we are better than this? The general population young modern American male? Not the outlier, but the mass?

    Are you SURE?

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

    …look at the abuse, the perversion, the outright fraud we’ve accepted thus far.

    This ain’t the WWII generation.

    And it damn sure isn’t that of the Founders…

  11. About a hundred-thousand U.S. citizens have died since the kerfuffle at Robb Elementary. Remind me again, how is it still news?

    The History Channel,
    Where Every Life Ends with Tragedy

  12. “The Usual Suspects. “Leaders” like House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler should take note that holding votes like the ones he’s planning on his recently introduced legislation in order to “get colleagues on the record” may just backfire on those in his own party and in a year where some are predicting historic election losses for Democrats.”

    …actually, at this point they WANT “Republicans” to win.

    They know very well that the RINO led new majority won’t investigate them in any significant way (just start some that go on for years, never produce, and are dropped when Dems take back power), will not block them in any significant way (McConnell is Chinese property and McCarthy is in the grand tradition of The West Chester Weeper Boehner and Paul “Red” Ryan), won’t give any committees to ACTUAL conservatives and spent all their time “diciplining” the Boeberts and MTGs instead of dealing with Dems.

    Speeches will be made and bills will be advanced, secure in the knowledge that Pedo will veto and there won’t be enough to overide.

    This is great for Dems, because they can then spend the next two years blaming Republicans for all of the failures they set in motion, while Pedo or Whore just go on merrily wrecking everything in their name.

    They don’t mind “losing” at ALL.

    Because the rigged primaries mean they already own BOTH sides of the table.

  13. All your guns belong to us, 1st Canada then the US. Bloody & wounded children from these mass shootings in ads sounds like a great idea, thank you. Suing Daniel Defense marketing to children surly violated state law just like Remington did. Hopefully they will be put these mofo’s out of business.

  14. I don’t understand why the Socialist-Progressives keep pushing us harder and harder into revolution; it’s gonna be very bloody and they’ll lose. Do they have hide-aways in Venezuela?, Argentina?

  15. boron
    JUNE 4, 2022 AT 2:31 PM
    “I don’t understand why the Socialist-Progressives keep pushing us harder and harder into revolution; it’s gonna be very bloody and they’ll lose.”

    …they’re just doing what their master satan says to do. They figure he’ll fight for them or, worst case, they’ll rule with him in hell.

    They don’t know him very well.

    Which is just how he likes it.


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