Democrats Introduce Measure to Condemn Criticism of Islam – IOTW Report

Democrats Introduce Measure to Condemn Criticism of Islam

IndependentSentinel:  House Resolution 569 was introduced on December 17th by the Democrats and it’s dangerous. It’s self-described purpose is “condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.”


There is no proof of a war against Muslims in this country. Racial hate and anti-semitism are far worse problems, but that won’t stop leftists from using it as an excuse to put in laws that damage or destroy the First Amendment.

Democrats have been trying to ban hate speech and now plan to exploit Muslims to achieve their goals.


The measure panders for votes from the Muslim community, a community of people who are conservative and don’t even belong with these leftists. It’s all a prelude to the death of the First Amendment.


Resolutions of this nature have a tendency to be reintroduced later as binding legislation to be forwarded to the Senate. The introduction of this resolution is not yet newsworthy, but it will be if it emerges intact from committee to be voted on by the whole House says Edward Cline at the Rule of Reason.

muslim pedos

People behind the resolution include:  Keith Ellison, a Democrat and Muslim from Minnesota; Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida Democrat and chairman of the Democratic National Committee; Charles Rangel, New York Democrat; and Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Florida.  more here

29 Comments on Democrats Introduce Measure to Condemn Criticism of Islam

  1. Ah, so the usual suspects are behind it, I see.

    It’s fine and dandy, though, for Obama to compare the right to Iranians chanting Death to America. Because Enlightened.

    Are there any sane Democrats left ?

  2. Which makes Little Debbie’s signature on this steaming pile more than curious. Ideology trumps everything to these self-haters. Only thing I can come up with.

    BTW, I love using trump in any sentence when dealing with the moronic left. Just the mere mention of the word makes their eyes glaze over and you can see them getting pissed off thinking about it. I use it whenever I can f*** their day up.

  3. Until I see in plain text the exact phrase as being unlawful, I’m still going to identify Muslims as being goat fuckers.

    Imagine that, they actually put together a list of banned phrases.

    Mr. Oaks how do you plead to the charge of saying the phrase, “goat fucker,” while speaking in reference to Muslims?

  4. You know damned well that the libs and the democraps will be the first one ones to convert to pisslam in order to save their sorry asses while the rest of us will never submit to pisslam. I’ll fight and die rather than submit, Good luck democraps with selling your liberties and your soul to the Devil, they’ll come after you Quislings soon enough after you’ve used up your useful idiot status with them. And if I were a gay democrap or gay period I’d be watchful because your politically protected status as queers in the Western world ain’t gonna help you. Hope you like being thrown off of buildings and being stoned by a bunch of godless barbarians.

  5. Greetings!

    Every day there should be nation-wide publication/posting of appropriate hate speech and hateful criticism as they occur in the Koran and the Hadith. There is enough evil there to last into infinity!


  6. If I wanted to play tit for tat and make regressive heads explode, I would follow up with a measure to condemn criticism of the Tea Party, Conservatives and Christians. Probably should add to that condemning the burning of the Flag, negative comments about whites since libs have all this white guilt in them, saying negative things about the US, etc etc.

    But if the libs truly want that, they need to go live in North Korea for a year and see what it is like first.

  7. They left off the part that says Muslim intimidation and killing of Jews and Christians is to be applauded and supported.

    Keith Taqqiya Ellison signs on. What a surprise.

    These idiots need to look at the FBI’s crime statistics. Crimes against Jews are still at the top of the list while crimes against Muslims are at the bottom.

  8. This is really good news and we shouod Let these demonic scum continue to alienate and awaken the barely functioning imbeciles that normally blindly pull the “D” lever on election day. Believe me, many average dolts know enough already to conclude islime is garbage and evil.

    As for the demonic jews grayson and shultz, they give justification and credebility to the stereotyping and hatred of jews as being conniving, greedy, specious, untrustworthy, shysters. They represent the worst in jews as a group. They use being jews as a vehicle for gaining victim status but are really satan worshipers.

    The easily hated, arrogant American liberal Miami/NY jews are the enemy. I would like to see someone stick it to them by demanding the jews in Miami give their property and temples over to the filthy muslime dogs down there and that they pay them extortion money to make up for the jew mistreatment of muslimes. The local community meetings should be flooded and the enemy enablers should be backed against a wall and made to suffer.

  9. This is the same “law” obama pushed at the U.N. and the one that the 57 pushed 11 previous times at the U.N.

    No one should doubt obama’s or the ‘rats traitorous desires to eliminate America as a free and sovereign nation, free from the caliphate. I don’t like them and I don’t love them, either.

  10. Who are the left – – maybe 10% of the population of this country who live mostly on the two coasts? Who are the muslims, maybe .5% of the population. WHY WHY WHY do we even put up with this bullshit?

  11. Hmmmm. . . .since the LibTard DemonRats want to define and take over the national conversation on “hate speech” against muzzies, let’s try this. . . . .make them define their terms. . . . then use that against them. . . .
    One man’s “sweet sugar” is another man’s “hate speech”. Have your Local LibTard say an innocent phrase (pick one, any one), then go explosive all over their ass and IN THEIR FACE, declaring that you find that phrase offensive, and therefore, “hate speech”. For any reason. Or no reason. Or just because. Throw it back at them, and see where their “logic” will lead, and see how they like it. Or not.

  12. Try this:

    “Democrats Introduce Measure to Condemn Criticism of Christianity”

    Think that would ever–*ever*–happen?

    Or how about this?

    “Republicans Introduce Measure to Condemn Criticism of Christianity”

    Think that would ever happen either?

    Yeah, I thought not.

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