Democrats May Be On The Verge Of Becoming A ‘Permanent Minority’ Party – IOTW Report

Democrats May Be On The Verge Of Becoming A ‘Permanent Minority’ Party


Remember when Democrats predicted the imminent decline of the GOP?

The theory was that Republicans were so out of touch with women and ethnic minorities that they would soon be relegated to the status of a “permanent minority” — supported only by Southern white men and incapable of recapturing the White House.

Donald Trump’s victory has put an end to this fantasy. Now it’s the Democrats who are facing their own “doomsday” scenario.

A recent analysis conducted by Third Way — a self-described “centrist” think tank — argues that Democrats are evolving into a “coastal” party. They have strong bases in California, New York and Massachusetts but are slowly ceding the rest of the country to Republicans.
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17 Comments on Democrats May Be On The Verge Of Becoming A ‘Permanent Minority’ Party

  1. I think a lot on the right haven seen all this leftist 💩 going on since the 60s and are finally standing up and saying, “You know what? Since Hillary and the rest of you think I’m “deplorable and irredeemable and racist and not a ‘true Christian’ because of the FRICKEN way I vote, well, I’ve had enough of your toxic political bull💩 and I will make DAMN SURE you @$$holes go the way of the Whigs!”

  2. If you want the Democrat party to go away, you will have to continue to work against it. After Nixon resigned, 1976 was an ugly election cycle for the Republicans not only at the federal level, but at state and local levels as well. The press was asking, with justification, whether or not the Republican party was dead.

    The difference between 1976 and 2016 is that from and after Nixon’s resignation, the Republican party realized what had happened and why, and started cleaning up its act. However, the post 2016 Democrats don’t appear to be so introspective – they whine, they shout, they march, they destroy property, and they demand their way. It is fortunate for Republicans that these left wing Democrats are doing absolutely nothing to entice their disaffected members back into the party, but that may change.

    One thing Republicans should do is at least try to become more influential in the coastal areas. In California, the national Republican party is dead – they don’t campaign there, and they make no effort to even try to be relevant. But much of California is conservative and Republican – look at a demographic map and you will see that geographically, most of the state is red. The message the current Republican leadership is sending to California is “why bother?” and this does nothing to send California Republicans to the polls to vote for national politicians. The message should be “we will still make a significant effort” – and Republicans may likely see the gap between Republicans and Democrats narrow in California.

  3. If you have learned anything from the election of Barack Obama – twice – followed immediately by the election of Mr. Trump, it should be that you cannot reliably predict the demise of either party.

  4. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk February 7, 2017 at 9:18

    That may be Trump’s greatest gift to the GOPe — a take on “Only Nixon could go to China.” The conservative first principle of “Everything the communists want, but slower” has not won over the communists’ supporters. Those who are shocked, please raise your hands — now slap yourselves. Trump’s “fascism” provides cover to The Republicans — the “We’re just not The Democrats” party — to try a different ad campaign.

  5. Wyatt makes the best case to get rid of the “All or Nothing” mentality of the Electoral College. I’m sure New York and Illinois are also majority red states but for their cancerous blue mega-cities. Massachusetts is lost – sadly all blue idiots – but the majority of the country instinctively wants Right.

  6. The percentages for California are 65% Dums, 35% Repubs. This does not exactly reflect the 3 to 1 advantage the article claimed. With 3 large cities the Dumbs will always have more.

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