Democrats’ New $2.2 Trillion COVID Stimulus Includes The Word ‘Cannabis’ 68 Times, Mentioned More Than ‘Jobs’ – IOTW Report

Democrats’ New $2.2 Trillion COVID Stimulus Includes The Word ‘Cannabis’ 68 Times, Mentioned More Than ‘Jobs’


Democrats in the House introduced new coronavirus stimulus legislation which includes the word “cannabis” 68 times, which is more than the word “job” or “jobs” by double digits.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent out an email Monday night urging her Democratic colleagues to vote for the new $2.2 trillion Heroes Act. The bill, like other Democratic coronavirus stimulus packages, includes the word cannabis 68 times. Pelosi has previously said Cannabis is related to the coronavirus and helps as therapy.

The word “job” is only mentioned 47 times and the word “jobs” is mentioned just 7 times in the Democrats stimulus package.


14 Comments on Democrats’ New $2.2 Trillion COVID Stimulus Includes The Word ‘Cannabis’ 68 Times, Mentioned More Than ‘Jobs’

  1. Canuckistan:

    Legalized Weed & put the companies on the Stock market.

    Most of them have crashed VERY HARD and are still not profitable. YET?

    If states think that it is a cash cow, Guess again. Once they tax the shit out of it and overcharge for it, the illegal market will drop their price & still take the main share of the market.

    The illegal “dealers” figured that they could sell chips & snacks at the same time out of their trunks of their cars. It is DeCriminalized up here.

    Failed up here, but then again under Turdeau, we fail at everything.

  2. “Pelosi has previously said Cannabis is related to the coronavirus and helps as therapy.”

    So she believes that smoking pot when you have a virus that can cause pneumonia is a good idea? I’m not a doctor but that doesn’t make much sense.

  3. In MD they are passing out medical green cards for just about anything. (I heard this second hand.) Someone who was trying to pass this off as a good thing said something about the narcotic effect was ameliorated in medical weed. I asked if the users of this MEDICAL GRADE WEED were giggling all the time. Apparently they giggle all the time. So what has the government done but legalize recreational weed?

    Recreational weed all day?

    I’ve worked with many people. People who were better with weed (a decided minority) and people who just got stoned and were a fucking burden.

    Medical weed just gives these losers the state decree to be losers every bit of the 24 hours.

  4. That should be the new GOP campaign slogan, Dopes for dope. With a meme of Antifa and BLM destroying American cities saying, This is the newly destroyed America if joey is elected President. Make your choice freedom under Trump or tyranny under Biden/Harris.

  5. The GOP should get in front of this and repeal the federal marijuana laws. There is zero Constitutional underpinning for them anyway. Do it before the dems and take the issue from them. This is very clearly a 10th amendment issue.

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