Democrats’ Own Poll Shows White Working Class Voters Prefer Republican Policies by Wide Margin – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Own Poll Shows White Working Class Voters Prefer Republican Policies by Wide Margin

Big Government-

The House Majority PAC, a Super PAC  associated with House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), whose goal is to regain a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, just released a new poll of white working class voters that is sounding alarm bells for the Democratic House leadership.

Among the key findings is this stunner: By a margin of 35 percent, more white working class voters believe that the term “will help improve the economy and create jobs” applies to Republicans in Congress than it does to Democrats in Congress.

Other key findings of the poll are just as discouraging for Democrats:

  • Democrats trail on the initial Congressional ballot among white working class voters by 10 points, 43 percent to 33 percent.
  • A majority of white working class voters approve of the job President Trump is doing by a 52 percent to 44 percent margin.
  • 66 percent of white working class GOP voters approve of the job House Republicans are doing, up from 44 percent last year.

Undertaken as part of the ongoing “White Working Class Voter Project” of the House Majority PAC, the survey was conducted by the firm of Normington Petts, and included “1000 total interviews in targeted House districts with a sample of likely 2018 voters.”

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7 Comments on Democrats’ Own Poll Shows White Working Class Voters Prefer Republican Policies by Wide Margin

  1. Now, is we can either 1. get the RINO’s to grow a spine or 2. purge via primaries the RINO’s out of the party.

    Before the election I had hysterical friends who were convened that Trump would destroy the Republic and become a dictator. I laughed in their faces and told them point blank that could never happen because the GOP would stop him. I just did not know the GOP would stop him on its own agenda.

    The GOP passed Obamacare repeal 5 times when Obama was POTUS and they can’t pass it once, when it actual counts, under Trump. What complete and total idiots. If the democrats win the House and or the Senate it will be do to this kind of excrement.

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