Democrats Should Be Made To Regret Calling Any Election Reform “Racist” – IOTW Report

Democrats Should Be Made To Regret Calling Any Election Reform “Racist”

The Federalist

In March, Georgia Republicans amended their state’s election laws in a weak attempt to assuage voters disgusted with their enabling of the 2020 election circus. To punish their political opponents for requiring voter ID and creating an election season of a month long or more Democrats called up their character assassination squads.

Democrats have been throwing every bit of pressure they can at Georgia elected officials to get their way without winning power legitimately through elections. This has included pressure from Democrats’ current and last U.S. presidents, Joe Biden and Barack Obama.


8 Comments on Democrats Should Be Made To Regret Calling Any Election Reform “Racist”

  1. It’s not even reform. It’s not letting people get away with breaking laws that are already on the books. Making more laws are not going to matter to people already breaking the law.

  2. The Demonrat Party is the party of nihilistic totalitarianism, diabolical narcissism, Satanism, and National Socialism.
    They will never regret anything.
    They must be excised – absolutely, incontrovertibly, and completely – never to rise again.

    Anything less is half-assed, self-defeating, compromised effort.

    “They know how to win but they don’t know how to annihilate their enemies.”
    (dead white dude)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. On a related note, I don’t see my Dem friends posting much of anything political these days. I think they realize that any post is going to be roundly criticized and that they don’t have any arguments that work. I see plenty of conservative political posts, and nonpolitical posts from my Dem friends.

  4. The Joe Eagle has landed! No water for you! The Water Nazis are back in control now! Just like the olden days when the KKK was burning crosses. Lordy! I don’t no nothin’ about birthin’ no picture EyeDees!

  5. @Gladys – I don’t think so. Yes, Dems are in control of the federal government at the moment. But Dem citizens are in hiding. And there is plenty that conservative states, governors, legislations, and of course citizens can do to stymie their goals.

  6. Republicans are no different than the asshole nobility who turned their backs on a man from Scotland facing a Tyrant.

    To garnish the name “The Federalist” Don’t trust it, but this long winded piece has points.

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