Democrats Try Watering Down The Power Of Superdelegates – IOTW Report

Democrats Try Watering Down The Power Of Superdelegates

Fifty years ago, the democrats started a losing streak in presidential elections that lasted nearly 25 years. It took the Watergate scandal and the Nixon pardon to elect one-termer Jimmy Carter, followed by 12 more years of republicans in the White House. Recognizing that they had been running losers, the democrats attempted to reform their nomination process.

In 1968, Hubert Humphrey had won the party’s nomination in Chicago, despite not having won a single primary. Following the defeat by Nixon, the party decided to hold more primaries, thus handing more control of the process over to the rank and file.  With Carter’s defeat in 1980 they party concluded that the reforms had gone too far and that party insiders needed to have a greater voice in the nomination process. So in the 80s they created “superdelegates,” who could vote for who ever they pleased. By 2016, the superdelegate contingent of party insiders were about 15% of convention delegates. Their support was enough to guarantee Hillary Clinton beat out “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders.

This past week the Democrat National Convention wrapped up their meeting in Chicago announcing that they had again reformed their nomination process. Now superdelegates only get to vote on the second ballot. More


4 Comments on Democrats Try Watering Down The Power Of Superdelegates

  1. Now the backroomers just have to make sure no one candidate gets a majority on the first ballot. It will probably take some bribing and corruption to guarantee it, but they’ll find a way.

    They’re hoping this is enough of a “reform” to hold on to the far left Bernie wing for another run at Trump with an establishment drone they can still control and will turn government over to them to cash in on.

  2. And who are the Super delegates ?
    All delegates are equal,
    but some delegates are more equal ?
    Time to recognize the
    American Communist Party
    for what it is.
    They call themselves


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