Dems Block Attempts To Pay Furloughed Feds – IOTW Report

Dems Block Attempts To Pay Furloughed Feds

Representative from Texas, Dan Crenshaw, appeared on “Fox & Friends” this morning to discuss legislation he and other House republicans have put up for a vote that would pay financially stressed federal workers while they wait for the shut down to end.
Each time only a handful of Democrats joined their republican colleagues to assist those needing help. Watch

8 Comments on Dems Block Attempts To Pay Furloughed Feds

  1. Good. Now the overwhelming number of socialist gov’t workers can slip their feet into our shoes — feeling the pinch of financial uncertainty they forced on us. Crybabies. Why is it there is the tacit understanding that gov’t employees have a right to employment and a paycheck. It’s a job, just like any other job. Private companies face slow sales, get bought out, go bankrupt. We civilians know that our employment is “at will.” Go out and get a couple of low-paying part time jobs! Lord knows, under our new president, they’re out there! But you’ll probably need a work ethic in that dreaded-of-all-places, the Private Sector. Watching porn, staring at your Ring cc tee vee, and filling in your sick day calendar for three day weekends aren’t actual job skills.

  2. .45-70

    I see your point and I once thought that, too. But with the exposure of the D’s bare-knuckled, anti-Americanism, isn’t it time to stop worrying about the optics? I mean, it doesn’t matter now, does it? We have more than proof enough that no matter how carefully Trump crafts his message or designs policy or reacts to the D congress, the media will still give him 95% negative coverage. They’ll bludgeon him no matter what. Just look at the media sources who are still defending Nathan Phillips today. We can’t get this war against the Left won until we decide which goal line is ours.

  3. They are so unreasonable.

    But we already know that.

    My friend is an ICE agent and he had to take out a personal loan from the bank so he could buy groceries and pay some bills. Don’t worry. He’s on our side!


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