Dems Say They Know Little About IT Staffers Suspected Of Accessing Sensitive Congressional Info – IOTW Report

Dems Say They Know Little About IT Staffers Suspected Of Accessing Sensitive Congressional Info

DC: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi would not say Thursday why an IT staffer that was banned from the House network still works for a prominent member of her party’s caucus.

U.S. Capitol Police and other agencies are probing the cyber activities of three brothers who had jobs as congressional staffers at the office of information technology for lawmakers on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported. Brothers Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan also provided their services for other Democratic members in the lower chamber.

When they came under suspicion by law enforcement for accessing the House network without permission last February, they were all banned from accessing it. While some Democratic lawmakers dismissed Imran from their employ when the story, others, like Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept him on.  read more

16 Comments on Dems Say They Know Little About IT Staffers Suspected Of Accessing Sensitive Congressional Info

  1. In fairness, they may not know. This rotten family was probably hired by some Democrat staffer as a favor to someone and the senior Dems knew them about as much as we know the person serving us at McD’s. It looks good on them though with the public wondering why some foreigners were allowed to work on and control technology within Congress. I’ll bet Pelosi et al are looking for people to throw under the bus even as I type.

  2. This could ultimately prove to be as great a break in our national security as anything in the past. When you learn what these guys had access to its unbelievable! Hell with Trump and the Russians, this is the story the media should focus on.

  3. Well one them is back in Pakistan now and if I knew that then why didn’t they? Meanwhile, Debbie Washerwoman was caught on audio threatening the Chief of the Capital Police yesterday. She wants her computer back and she threatened his salary since she sits on the committee that decides their salary. Again, silence from the MSM about THAT audio.

  4. The media won’t focus on it because the media is leaning hard left, just like the Democrats. The media would rather focus on getting rid of DJT than focus on foreigners hacking into congressional secrets.

  5. They know about it. They’re just playin’ dumb.
    It hasn’t been in the MSM news, so most of the public doesn’t ‘know’ about it, either. Educate them, please.
    From 4chan/pol:
    “I sure wish we had a free press in this country so I wouldn’t have to dig around in the sewers of the internet for the real journalism.”

    keep digging!

  6. @ Corky,
    “Washerwoman”…that’s one I haven’t heard. Personally, I call her “Debbie Was-a-man”.

    Relatedly, her twitter handle is “DWSTweets”. If you try to pronounce “DWS” as a word it sounds like “douche”, thus her Twitter handle is pronounced: “douche tweets.”

  7. “Do these morons really believe that feigning ignorance is a smart strategy?”

    Well, Pelosi has been criticizing Trump for not touring his destinations in alphabetical order. I shit you not. Maybe they are not feigning.

  8. Dems hire Pakis for top secret Congressional IT.

    They must have been doing jobs Americans wouldn’t do, y’know, spying for ISIS, IT for Hillary’s bathroom server.

  9. The media won’t focus on it because the media is leaning hard left, just like the Democrats. The media would rather focus on getting rid of DJT than focus on foreigners hacking into congressional secrets.

    Or which classified e-mails were found on Huma/Carlos Danger’s laptop…

    Of all the Democrat congress critters available she was selected as their spokesperson ….. What does that tell you ?

    That she’s going to be the next one looking at the underside of the bus.

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