Dems Still Working the Dead Vote – IOTW Report

Dems Still Working the Dead Vote

Marc Elias is the general counsel for Hillary’s presidential campaign and specializes in voting rights campaigns for Democrats. A lawsuit on behalf of Ohio Organizing Collaborative, challenging that state’s voter I.D. laws, we learn that


“they have turned in roughly 530 voter registrations, of which five of them were dead people.”

“They actually had the dead people’s drivers license numbers and Social Security numbers, and, of course, they forged the signatures of these dead people.”


Do you think 1% of Ohio voters being dead people, and voting Dem, is enough to put that battle ground state in Hillary’s column come November?  Because I do.



5 Comments on Dems Still Working the Dead Vote

  1. That 1% is just the dead people who vote, it doesn’t include illegal aliens, legal aliens, convicted felons, college students voting in both their home state AND the state of their college. Oh yeah and don’t forget people in nursing homes who didn’t even know they voted absentee.

  2. It’s enough to swing the vote and it’s happened before. A (D) voter fraud nun and a (D) voter fraud poll worker.

    Then there’s the non-English speaking Somali voter fraud in Columbus.
    Their interpreters stand there and either tell them who to vote for or do it for them.

    The great state could use an Orkin style purging of these vermin.

  3. Forgot to say in 2013 I was contacted by the NC attorney general. My mother, who died years before in a Mecklinburg County nursing home, was one of many dead voters. It seems staff at the home kept information of dead residents and voted absentee for the dead.

  4. In a related story, conspiracy theorists who denied that the US military killed Osama bin Laden were silenced when proof of his death surfaced today. He registered to vote in Chicago.

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