Dems Stripped Out NASA Bill, Hid “Voting Rights” Measures in It Instead – IOTW Report

Dems Stripped Out NASA Bill, Hid “Voting Rights” Measures in It Instead


A recent bill meant to facilitate NASA raising money by leasing out underused facilities went in a most unexpected direction: expanding the right to vote.

The NASA property bill was transformed into the “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” under the Democratic leadership of the House of Representatives, seeking to undercut Republican opposition to expanding the franchise.

The act includes provisions such as turning election day into a federal holiday, allowing same-day voter registration, expanding early voting and mail voting and allowing more types of non-photographic ID for voting, according to Business Insider

…”The Democratic leadership of the House, in an unusual move, then took the Senate-amended bill and stripped out the NASA provisions, replacing it with the text of two voting rights bills,” SpaceNews stated.

“They did so because H.R. 5746 had already passed the House and Senate,” the report added, “so the amended version could go directly to the Senate floor without the threat of a filibuster from Senate Republicans, [bold added] who oppose the voting rights legislation.” More

25 Comments on Dems Stripped Out NASA Bill, Hid “Voting Rights” Measures in It Instead

  1. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be.

    They stole power, and they will use that stolen power to maintain that power.

    This is just to give their stolen power a veneer of legitimacy.

    If you had any doubts, this should end them.

    We are not getting out of this without shooting.

    Lots and lots of shooting.

  2. The other thing they have done in the past is schedule a voice vote for the middle of the night. Any bill needs a majority. But a method was created for ‘unanimous voice vote’, where as long as not a single nay is heard is considered to be approval – and which obviously was created for things like ‘Robin Williams Day’ or random simple bills with no real impact. Dems have abused this to scheduling late-night votes in hopes that not a single Republican will be present to say ‘nay’, in which case they would have to bring to a formal vote.
    Talk about undermining democracy!

  3. “Im waiting for Mitch to come out and say “We were tricked fair and square, but vote for us!”. Its pitch forks and torch time folks.”

    ss, I remember how RINO Bob Corker turned Senate treaty approval on its head to help Barky get rid of sanctions on Iran. I have a sinking feeling that we’re about to be sold out again by Uniparty treachery.

  4. No worries. My Supreme Court will shoot this down for being unconstitu…*snerk*

    ***couldn’t keep a straight face for THAT ONE!***



    (Goes back to chambers to rape another child in celebration)

  5. The lying commie perverts want to take away &/or suppress voter’s rights, because they think thats the only way they can win elections. They no longer care about truth, only any & all means to subvert this country into a dictatorship. Try as you will, but you will not win.

  6. Shouldn’t the parliamentarian be asked for a ruling on this bill and whether it should proceed past debate in the Senate?

    If this is allowed move to a floor vote it destroys the filibuster for all practical purposes.

  7. Looking at this as an instance of them “stripping out” a bill and replacing it with something else isn’t the right way to characterize it.

    They threw away the bill that had been voted on and then they renamed a bill that the senate hasn’t even voted on.

    The senate better not pretend otherwise.

    That isn’t semantics on my part. The democrats actually threw away a bill that had been voted on and pasted it’s title on another one. It’s not the same bill with different contents.

  8. These so-called bills usually, if not always, have more pages than the average dictionary. The tax code changes daily, yet it has more than 75 thousand, not hundred, thousand pages. The people who create these monstrosities are never affected by a single thing that is written in them. Yet, we are always told that there is more “work” to be done. Think on that for a moment. It should scare the hell out of everyone. But, for some reason, the same people get sent back every election cycle to continue to foist their bullshit on the population. Both parties are nothing more than a herd of kleptocrats.

  9. @Redcat 66 January 17, 2022 at 9:54 pm

    > for some reason, the same people get sent back every election cycle to continue to foist their bullshit on the population

    You do understand, that the same, the VERY same, people doing the “great” “work”, are “working” the “rules” by which they are appointed? (“elections”? The Party laughs, til they shart in your general direction.) Don’t you?

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