Dems Think This Optic Will Be a Winning One -Flooding SOTU Address With Dreamers – IOTW Report

Dems Think This Optic Will Be a Winning One -Flooding SOTU Address With Dreamers


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats will fill the balcony with so-called Dreamers and other immigrants during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address next week as the party panned a White House attempt on Thursday to reach a deal on immigration reform.

The White House released a one-page framework for legislation that includes a path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers — recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA — and other undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children. The proposal, the work of senior White House adviser Stephen Miller, was offered as a bipartisan compromise to give young undocumented immigrants a legal foothold in exchange for more than $25 billion in increased border security and a sharp reduction in future legal immigration.


46 Comments on Dems Think This Optic Will Be a Winning One -Flooding SOTU Address With Dreamers

  1. Remember! Check everyone at the door. Nobody gets inside without a bottle of gasoline, a banner, and a paper bagful of feces (or proof of a distended colon and a free hand).

  2. LMAO. First the Democrats and their media commrades are going to get destroyed when Trump stands up there and talks up the economy that the media have been hiding the past year.

    Then having Dreamers up in the stands while Trump stands there on nationwide TV and declares he has a plan to let them stay and work on a path to citizenship. ” We don’t want to hurt those who are working hard and making a good life not only for themselves, but the citizens of the country!” Of course while announcing the end of the immigration lottery, chain migration and building a wall that deterred the attempt of US Special forces to overcome?

    Yeah the winning optic will be for Trump hands down.

  3. If they’re the fat asses who’ve cluttered congressional offices, shouting obscenities while demanding their “dreams”, I say brang ‘em, let them shout in anger whilst waving the flags from their own countries.

    And charge them for double seats, just like the airlines.

  4. Active duty army here. I’m sitting in mandatory arbinger training (google it).

    One of the examples they gave was a Kansas City cop who had to patrol an area full of illegals. The solution was for him to think of them as people, find out what they need, and help them out.


  5. No, really. I want you all to get the full impact of this.

    This just happened. 1 minute ago.

    I’m sitting in a room full of soldiers and being taught I need to communicate with and support illegal criminals.

  6. @ Dianny–absolutely, but I think we should put an ICE agent next to every Dreamer to help provide a running commentary for these “special” snowflakes. At the end, the agent can give each Dreamer a glass of milk and a cookie and then give them a ride to the MCC where they can be tucked into their new beds prior to their pending deportation.

  7. @Harbqll – that’s got to be maddening. I guess you’d get in trouble if you asked the instructor(s) why military are encouraging a breakdown in upholding the rule of law.

  8. President Lazlo would fill his half of the balcony with Navy Divers who have been granted largess at the local tavern.
    I would have them lectured that they were Ambassadors of the President and breaches in decorum were frowned upon by me. And that there was Two weeks liberty in the port of choice for helping their President out in this matter, as long as nobody goes over the rail.

  9. Just wow. The Dems are deluded by their own paid propaganda.
    Let the Illegals disrupt the SOTU, shouting and booing en Espanol. Priceless.
    If loud enough, it might even wake Baden Ginsburg from her evening nod-off.

    Great optics for Trump with moderates, independents and all those Connecticut soccer moms who wanted a Grrl Prez just like on Netflix but find Maxine Waters off-putting.

  10. @Harbqll January 26, 2018 at 11:37 am

    > I’m sitting in a room full of soldiers and being taught I need to communicate with and support illegal criminals.

    Check the fine print. Did you actually sign (not dream) to protect the American people? Or did you sign to enforce The United States regime? (Pro-tip: If you need to quote statute, you’ve already answered.)

  11. Think of the optics:
    A full row of illegals with total face tattoos seated behind the Supreme Court Justices. (I can just hear Ginsberg’s rusty anus squeak.)

    Then surround POTUS with a full bulletproof shield (like the Pope’s) and let him say “If we leave it to the Democrats, there will be no safe place left in the USA” !!

  12. Harbqll — Wanna be a hero today? Start filming on your phone and send it to Hannity, Limbaugh, Dobbs, Ingraham, Prager, and Carlson, Breitbart. Then send it to POTUS Trump, SecDef Mattis, CoS Kelley, and especially Sen. Tom Cotton (see his Imprimus article “Immigration in the National Interest”). He is a member of the US Committee on Armed Services and would love to know about this crap.

    Tom Cotton:

    His D.C. office: 202-224-2353 I just got off the phone with one of his aides and asked him if this would be something of interest to his boss. He said yes, it would.

    Let me know if there is anything or any way I can help you with this.

  13. I’m here at command directive. Hospital CO requires it.

    The lecturer is a civilian.

    My (unvoiced) comment was “I’ll assist them, right the fuck back to Mexico.”

  14. I’ve said for a loooonnnnggggg time, get rid of the SOTN theatrics and have the address read from the Oval Office. That’d go along way toward destroying the photo ops and politicization.

  15. AA, I think Arbinger is a contractor. If that’s the case they probably have a 5 year contract and have been flying beneath the radar. Probably have been doing this for a couple years and nobody has stopped them yet.

  16. Weren’t the original State of the Onions just written in letter form and sent to the Legislature?

    “Er’y’thin OK, yo!”

    Nothing more is required. All the rest is bullshit and propaganda – by both sides.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Harbqll — You can do it anonymously. Every source in the Beltway is anonymous! Do it through me. Get them on vid/audio. Piss on their confidentiality/nondisclosure nonsense. They make you sign those things to keep their bad acts under wraps. Doesn’t matter if it is a civilian provider or not.

  18. On the subject of this thread: If it is true that the D’s plan to bring in illegals, the Freedom Caucus needs to bring in the family members of crime victims of DACA illegals.

  19. Please, Dems: DOOOOO IT!!! PLEEEEEEASE!!!
    The nation watching illegals acting like animals (redundancy intentional) will be *such* a Mid-Term campaign ad winner…for the GOP.

    Here comes that all-needed Super-Majority (keeping fingers crossed)!

  20. I CE better be ready for does SOB criminals illegal aliens. Put them in a bus and drop them in the other side of the wall like the animals criminals illegal aliens that they are. And any congressional leaders or senator that brings them inside the federal building need to go to jail.

  21. @AbigalAdams (at 2:21 pm): There is no “anonymously” once the video becomes viral. How long do you think it would take the Powers That Be to track down that class and the person who recorded it once the SHTF? Let’s not get Harbqll hung out to dry here. Remember: It’s his ass on the line, not ours.

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