Denial isn’t just a morbidly obese river in Egypt – IOTW Report

Denial isn’t just a morbidly obese river in Egypt

Patriot Retort:

Does being morbidly obese effect your ability to accept reality?

Or is that just a side-effect of modern-day feminism?

Check out this rather mind-boggling tweet:


Good grief.

Where to begin?

First of all, put some clothes honey. We don’t need to see that!

Is there really a “World Obesity Day?”

Whatever for?!

If you don’t recognize that blob of cellulite, she’s the same whack-job who appeared at Netroots Nation claiming all white people are racist. MORE

33 Comments on Denial isn’t just a morbidly obese river in Egypt

  1. Just think boys & girls,your taxes
    paid for the food stamps that made that
    quivering gelatinous pile of putrid flesh…
    Wrap your head around that!

  2. This is why I wonder why future doctors decide to follow their doctorates in colonoscopy. With her, I guess a doctorate in veterinarian anatomy is a prerequisite. “Calm down there, Bessy!”

  3. Fataphobia?! No doubt!! Anyone who is too big to fly on an airplane is too big to sit next to me. She doesn’t have enough insurance to cover my injuries if she should lose her balance and fall or roll over on me.

    Mental illness. People DO die from being obese — every ding dang day. But before they do, they put enormous strain on the health care system from all their fat-related illnesses.

  4. I worked with a woman a bit larger than her. I noticed she had horrible body odor emanating from folds of skin that on regular sized people would never happen. Truly, truly gross.

    And if that’s a thong, somebody get her a crochet needle to pick it loose from her ass. Dear God.

  5. Lately, while watching Fox Business News, I’ve noticed they have been playing a Lane Bryant commercial with a bunch of porkers saying “I’m no angel” – as some sort of a counter to the Victoria’s Secret nearly annorexic supermodels with their Angels clothing line.
    I prefer the Victoria’s Secret supermodels any day to the fat slobs getting their undies from Lane Bryant.
    On a side note, the other day my wife was watching DR Oz and he was saying the average woman’s waist size was 38”.

  6. I don’t care what weight she is because she’d still be repulsive as a skinny person.
    She’s showing her ass and acting that way because she has NO CONFIDENCE in herself so you must praise her and manufacture it FOR her.

  7. I had an aunt that I loved very much, who was morbidly obese. She ended up with diabetes, she had to have her feet amputated, and it eventually killed her

    If other’s ‘feelings’ would have had anything to do with it, and not SCIENCE, she would still be alive, wouldn’t she?

    And that THING in the pic, needs to get a reality check, pull her underwear out of her ass and let her brain breathe.

  8. Gee, lady (?), nobody cares whether you live or die.
    WTF is wrong with you?
    “Fatphobia?” Seriously? You think people are afraid of “fat?”

    It’s great on bacon – rib roast – ham …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I have a morbidly obese friend that lost his big toe to diabetes.

    Then he lost his other big toe, then the rest of his toes, eventually on both feet.

    Today, he’s completely bedridden and living on welfare in a nursing home. “100% disabled” doesn’t even begin to describe this guy’s shit life. Can’t even go to the bathroom or take a shower. And clinically depressed, for some reason.

    He’s 53, and it’s an open question whether he’ll make 54.

    Obesity kills.

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