Dennis Prager, Man of Principles – IOTW Report

Dennis Prager, Man of Principles

One of the leading advocates of The American Way, Dennis Prager presents a principled argument why we all need to vote for Donald Trump in November.  It’s the same one BFH and many other bloggers and pundits have been making since the nomination process ended.



Prager was on In Depth on BookTV this weekend.  watch Here



11 Comments on Dennis Prager, Man of Principles

  1. Whoever nominates the next few Supreme Court justices will set the table for our country for several generations. All the debate over gun rights, free speech, search and seizure and the rest won’t mean squat in January if Trump is not elected. SCTOUS is the most important issue on the agenda.

  2. Pardon me while I slip these turds in your punch bowl.

    First, that cartoon above (which we’ve seen before) implies that the US is not a police state yet, and that electing Death-eyes would be the tipping point where the country would become one. I call bullshit. The US is already a police state and has been one for quite a while. It has mostly been gradual, but if you must find a singular event for the tipping point, it was the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act after 9/11. To be sure, Hillary would applaud all this if she weren’t seriously impaired cognitively, and her puppet masters would continue consolidating despotic govt power, but the major damage has already been done.

    Next, Prager writes:

    It is true that the country was threatened with survival in the 1860s, and only a terrible civil war kept it whole. But with the colossal and awful exception of slavery, neither side challenged the founding principles of America.

    This is simply fatuous, well past historically ignorant. Lincoln and the Republicans of the North challenged the principal that govt gets its just powers from the consent of the governed. The South wanted out, and the North killed their soldier, their families, their citizens who just wanted to be left alone, and destroyed the South’s means to feed, clothe, and shelter itself. And the North did all this to force those Southerners to be subjects of a govt they wanted to separate from.

    None of the above is meant to support the #NeverTrump scum, nor to suggest that Trump is anything other than the candidate who represents the only hope to shake up the terrible abusive govt and govt-supported system of crooks and charlatans.

    Phooey. I’ll stop ranting for a while.

  3. : – I didn’t mention Lincoln. I commented on Prager’s stupid characterization of the war.

    And now that you bring up Lincoln, I’ll simply point out that he is the poster child for executive branch making up their own laws with nothing but contempt for Constitutional limitations and power-balance. The historical record is very clear on this. The only debate was whether the secession of the Southern states somehow justified tossing out the principles of the constitutional republic.

  4. “This is simply fatuous, well past historically ignorant.”

    May I suggest, sir, that you read the various Articles of Secession, as well as the Articles of Confederation for yourself.

    Slavery really was THE contention. It’s true that Lincoln set a precedent for Federal control over the States, but that was clearly unintended, and not even realized until 1910-1930.

    You may have fallen, as I once did, for the myth that the Civil War was largely about States rights. This claim is simply unsupported by the documents of the time.

  5. All Too Much “SCTOUS is the most important issue on the agenda.”

    Supreme Court Justice Barack Hussein Obama.

    Just the possibility of the above will get me to the polls if I have to crawl naked over a mile of broken glass. TRUMP is our last hope to save the republic.

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