Dennis Rodman Involved in Shoplifting Scheme- All Captured On Video – IOTW Report

Dennis Rodman Involved in Shoplifting Scheme- All Captured On Video


Here’s the deal … the NBA Hall of Famer entered VIBES Hot Yoga in Newport Beach around 12:45 PM on Tuesday with 3 companions — 2 women and 1 man.

Almost immediately after they arrived, things got weird — the owner tells us Dennis began distracting employees while the woman in a long-sleeved green shirt began stuffing clothing into her purse.

At one point, the woman hides behind Rodman while she tucks a shirt away.

Rodman’s male companion grabs a large $2,500 crystal art piece from the front desk and tries to place it on a steel dolly, insisting he wants to buy it.

But, the guy drops the crystal — which shatters all over the floor — and while the staff is distracted, the woman in the green-sleeves grabs another clothing item and again stuffs it into her purse.

Eventually, the entire crew leaves the store with the shattered crystal piece on the dolly. The owner tells us everyone in the group refused to pay. Dennis actually blamed the staff for the broken crystal.


ht/ js

22 Comments on Dennis Rodman Involved in Shoplifting Scheme- All Captured On Video

  1. How is it that a guy who can afford air fare to North Korea and has the money to hob-knob with the country’s president is shoplifting crap at a boutique?

  2. All dat money he made went up his nose an to his ho’s.
    Hey, I can rap, too!!!

    When smart people have money, they don’t let anybody know how much they got. When stoooopid people have money, they tell everyone how much they got, with chains and grills and cars and makin’ it rain, and soon, it’s all gone. Just look at anyone who won big in a lottery.

  3. “Bruster’s Millions” was an illogical book and movie. Bruster inherits $1M with instructions to waste all in 1 year to get an additional $10M, but is he doesn’t waste it all, he gets nothing. Even when it ws written, it was easy to waste money on high living, without anything to show for it once it’s gone.

  4. I can hear him say “don’t you know who I am”?
    Talk about low rent.
    No matter how much money the guy has now he will never be able to go in another store again without people watching him, closely.

  5. Considering the way he acted in the past (dressing like a girl, doing drugs, marrying himself, going to NOKO to hang out- several times) he’s got one of those addictions where he needs to do high-risk stuff.

  6. “Considering the way he acted in the past (dressing like a girl, doing drugs, marrying himself, going to NOKO to hang out- several times) he’s got one of those addictions where he needs to do high-risk stuff.”

    …it’s adrenaline, @MJA, he’s probably an adrenaline junky.

    …I knew some guys like that in the fire service, and some of them were there BECAUSE they wanted the adrenaline. It’s a natural high when you can kick that “flight or fight” reaction into high gear, you’re stronger, sharper, faster, able to take more pain and deal with more things at once, just as God intended when he designed the system.

    Some guys are cops for the same reason. And some guys soldier for ditto.

    This was mostly harmless and actually a GOOD thing because this got some good, active men into a critical service, but some guys took it too far. One guy, a friend of mine, was SO into it that he had joined SEVERAL Fire Departments, and had to schedule his rotation between them carefully because mostly they wanted 12 hour commitments, and a guy’s gotta sleep sometime. This wasn’t enough for him, either, so he started actually LIGHTING fires, in dumpsters away from buildings (it wasn’t malicious, he didn’t want to hurt anyone or damage anything, just go be “Hero”…although the folks who OWNED the dumpster probably thought of it as “real damage”), and then go home and wait for the call.

    This was NOT a good thing, because you can die even at a dumpster fire, or GETTING to one as accidents happen, and obviously illegal besides, and hard telling WHAT would happen if it got to where THAT wasn’t “enough”.

    Not to mention the SMELL.

    …Like many criminals, however, he got stupid, and actually set one of these fires IN A CAR WITH LIGHTS AND SIRENS ON IT!! A neighbor thought that was a bit odd when a dumpster fire broke out AFTER a visit from the Fire Department, and mentioned this to the Police. One thing led to another, they confronted him, and he confessed to pretty much what I told you, that it was just for the “thrill”.

    The judge was unamused, and decided he could be further thrilled by jail time, restitution, and (Duh) being kicked off his many departments and never allowed to be in public service again. Seemed to calm him down, but he moved away shortly after getting out and I do not know how that story ends after that.

    …So, yeah, a guy may well PUT himself…and OTHERS…in harm’s way just for the adrenaline rush. Unlike Democrats, though, I can’t tell you what someone else is thinking just by looking at them. I DO know he’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal, however, so there are many, many OTHER possible explanations, but I’m too long already…

  7. When he entered the NBA playing with the Pistons in the 80’s he was a very soft spoken and humble player, and a damn good one. Then he found celebrity and started hanging with the hollywood and music elites. Been downhill ever since.

  8. It’s not about the money or value of the “take”…..

    It’s about getting away with the theft or lawlessness…..

    I could tell many stories about this… people thrills.

  9. Apparently, he can’t get beyond basketball court rules. Stealing the ball is good in a basketball game, but stealing is not good any other time.


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