Denver Cracks Down After Taking More Migrants Per Capita Than Anywhere Else – IOTW Report

Denver Cracks Down After Taking More Migrants Per Capita Than Anywhere Else

The City of Denver will begin ordering foreign national migrants in its shelter system to leave on Feb. 5 after they have spent a certain number of days in facilities, according to multiple reports.

Denver is the top destination, per capita, for foreign migrants who have crossed the country’s international border with Mexico and been ferried to their jurisdiction by buses paid for by the State of Texas, with over 40,000 having arrived, according to a report by NBC News. Due to overcrowding, the city will begin evicting individuals who have remained in the system for 42 days, according to a Jan. 17 report by Denverite, a local news organization. more

17 Comments on Denver Cracks Down After Taking More Migrants Per Capita Than Anywhere Else

  1. oh my. it appears their “Virtue” has limits. make the people who were the most vocal about welcoming our free loading guests take them into their homes and apartments and pay for their upkeep. its the least they can do to maintain the façade of their virtue.

  2. Note to Abbott: Denver has let you know the natives are getting restless. Keep the pressure on Denver. In 2017 the Denver City Council voted 10:0 to become a sanctuary city. Don’t let up now.

    Phony baloney virtue signaling leftists are getting a taste of their own medicine. Like the spoiled rotten perpetual children they are the filth that elected them aren’t going to look inward and take responsible for voting the shitbags in, they are going to blame the shitbags for hoodwinking them. It wouldn’t surprise me if they decide to go mid evil on the elected officials.

    It is one Goddamned bit funny what these idiots have done.

  3. So much for sanctuary city, more like overnight rest area, then pack em up and dump them on someone else, we don’t really want you, we were just trying to please MSM and Washington fools.

  4. The local democrats are gonna pretend they care about turning the city in to a turd world sewer until they can steal the next election. After that, they probably don’t plan to have anymore.

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