Denver Muslim on Murder Charges Says He Acted ‘Solely For Pleasure of Allah,’ CBS Says Motive ‘Still Unclear’ – IOTW Report

Denver Muslim on Murder Charges Says He Acted ‘Solely For Pleasure of Allah,’ CBS Says Motive ‘Still Unclear’

Breitbart: A Muslim convert from Texas facing murder charges for killing a security guard in Colorado said he acted “solely for the pleasure of Allah,” but CBS4 in Denver told its viewers that the alleged killer’s motive “is still unclear.”

Joshua Cummings, 37, has been charged with the Jan. 30 murder of Scott Von Lanken, a security guard for Denver’s Regional Transportation District. Police who rushed to the scene of the murder discovered Von Lauken shot through the head, and soon after found Cummings hiding on the terrace of an apartment building. He was armed with a handgun that matched the caliber of the shooting, according to investigators.  MORE HERE

13 Comments on Denver Muslim on Murder Charges Says He Acted ‘Solely For Pleasure of Allah,’ CBS Says Motive ‘Still Unclear’

  1. If the headlines read something like this:

    “Christians have finally had enough; cleansing the planet of Muslim and liberal Satan worshipers has begun”…..

    Certain media people would start losing their collectivist minds.

    That time is almost upon us. Unbeknownst to them, it’ll be the media that’ll be cleansed first.

    Mark my words.

  2. “CBS says motive still unclear”

    Even after a confession from the perp, the liberals still fail to comprehend simple facts. Why do we tolerate these assholes? Let’s just leave them in the sewer and walk away.

  3. CBS’s motive is clear – do anything, say anything, to cover-up the pestilence that Islam poses to America and the rest of modern, Western Civilization.

  4. Dude might be a crackhead, but note well how Denver LEO cracked the left side of his head for him.
    In these times of a criminal press and non-functioning legal system, I say bravo, to Justice swiftly meted out.

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