Deported 4 Times – Commits Sex Attack on 2 year-old – IOTW Report

Deported 4 Times – Commits Sex Attack on 2 year-old


A 31-year-old man who had previously been deported four times faces a litany of charges for a series of alleged crimes on Long Island, including a sex attack on a 2-year-old child and brutal stabbings of two women, officials say.

At a news briefing Thursday, Acting Nassau County Police Department Commissioner Thomas Krumpter described Tommy Alvarado-Ventura’s alleged five-hour spree as “probably the most heinous criminal act I’ve ever seen” in 28 years on the job.

“It really is nauseating,” Krumpter said.

Police say the violence began late Tuesday at the Hempstead, New York, home Alvarado-Ventura shares with his girlfriend, her 2-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son, and another tenant who was watching the children while their mother was at work.


ht/ js

19 Comments on Deported 4 Times – Commits Sex Attack on 2 year-old

  1. Every conservative needs to repeat the narrative that this is Obama and his supporters fault. This is Hollywoods fault. Put the blame where it truly belongs. This is so sick it hurts my heart to read it.

  2. This pos deserves a slow and painful death. Strip him, stake him out spread eagle next to a fire ant bed. Pour honey on his body. Sit in the shade with your favorite beverages and watch nature at its best.

  3. Pay per view.

    Make the execution as creative and prolonged as possible.
    Torture could bring high ratings.
    So would a “bum fight” between a pair of condemned, armed with Goodwill butter knives or small rocks.
    The bleeding “winner” is then finished off by the winner of a special raffle lottery, all proceeds to benefit the innocent victims and their families.

    And yeah, require Univision to carry it live.

  4. Back in the “bad old days”, especially out here in Montana, this bastard simply would have been mysteriously “disappeared” after his second offense, if not the first. Of course, those were the days before the justice system had become the exclusive, elite gardening club known as “Lawn Order” and all that has meant.

  5. Rat-man acting like a rat-man.
    Nothing to see, here, move on …

    I had a dog once that’d fuck anything – rabbits, squirrels, cats, shoes, gladiolas, collies, your leg … whatever … but never – NEVER – something sexually immature.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. no matter what-if anything-is done to people like this now, it will not compare to what God is going to do at and after the judgment. You may hide things you do in this life, but your sins will always find you in the end. 🙂 have a nice day…

  7. He’s pleading not guilty. A 2 year old life unnecessarily violated by an illegal c***s**ker
    who shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

    One of those other illegal scumbag aliens who raped a 14 year old has a defense lawyer saying it was consensual.

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