Dershowitz Getting Dissowitzed – IOTW Report

Dershowitz Getting Dissowitzed


Alan Dershowitz recently tried to publish an opinion piece in The New York Times that President Trump likely did not attempt to obstruct justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey.

But Dershowitz told the Washington Examiner over the phone on Monday that the Times had “no response” to his submission.

The widely known legal commentator and cable news fixture said he remains a “liberal Hillary Clinton supporter,” but said after reading an op-ed in the Times that argued Trump could be charged for criminal conduct in Comey’s firing, he reached out in June to the paper to present an opposing view.

“I said that I thought the readers of the New York Times were entitled to hear or read the other side of the issue whether there were crimes committed,” said Dershowitz, a professor emeritus of Harvard Law School. “And I really do think The New York Times does not want its readers to hear an alternative point of view on the issue of whether or not Trump administration is committing crimes.”

Dershowitz has plenty of opinions on Trump and the Russia controversy, but they made their biggest splash lately in conservative news outlets and have received scant attention among the mainstream press.

The Washington Post has quoted Dershowitz in several blog posts on its website, but The New York Times has only referenced his arguments about Trump and Russia once. In that instance, it was in an op-ed that stated, “Mr. Dershowitz is wrong.”


“It’s not that I’m not credentialed,” he said, noting the dozens of books he’s authored and the years he spent at Harvard. “It’s that I don’t have the right point of view.”

9 Comments on Dershowitz Getting Dissowitzed

  1. It amazes me how these guys can see the truth in front of their faces, and see how corrupted the left is, and yet remain “dedicated liberal and Hillary supporter’.

  2. No matter what Dershowitz does, I will remember him as part of the “Dream Team” that leveraged racism to set OJ free, after having slashed to death Nicole and Ron.

    FU Alan. All for a buck.

  3. Your party neither forgets nor forgives, Alan. Spare me the credential listing, issue a public mea culpa, toe the ideological line and maybe the party will recognize you again.

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