Dershowitz says he has secret emails about underage sex that will put prominent people in handcuffs – IOTW Report

Dershowitz says he has secret emails about underage sex that will put prominent people in handcuffs


In an interview Thursday morning with ‘Good Day New York,’ Alan Dershowitz pushed back against allegations that he had sex with underage girls through billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. He said he is being framed and has emails that will put “prominent people in handcuffs.”

“There are emails so far that are secret, but that prove, not only that I was framed, but who framed me,” Dershowitz said. “It names names. These people are going to go to jail once these e-mails come out because this was a total frame up for financial reasons, and I can prove it, and will prove it. Have me back on the show when the e-mails come out, boy it will be so interesting because there will be prominent people in handcuffs. Prominent people in handcuffs once these e-mails come out.”

“Look, as to the first woman who accused me, her own lawyer admitted in front of witnesses that she was wrong, just wrong, that I couldn’t have been in the places,” he said.


Tipster, Joe6Pak, makes a good point-

Doesn’t Dershowitz have a moral responsibility to report those that he knows are harming minors instead of holding this information back as a defense tactic against those he claims are making fraudulent charges against him? He is as dirty as the rest of them.

44 Comments on Dershowitz says he has secret emails about underage sex that will put prominent people in handcuffs

  1. All these insider a$$holes keep talking about what is going to happen “as soon as `xxxxxx` comes out”. Nothing ever appears and nothing happens. Same old same old.

  2. Here I was trying to take the weekend off from the news. I get so frustrated and pissed off with our side not getting anything done except good sound bites. It’s like Trey Gowdy has rubbed off on everyone in the media and the DOJ. Anyway, I almost made it through the weekend, it was a good break.

  3. As an officer of the court there is definitely an obligation to turn over evidence of known felonious criminal activity (not to mention a moral obligation). So why wasn’t the information turned over already?

    Apparently laws for the elite are different than laws I have to follow.

  4. Brad, you’re right, why is he still breathing? His security must be the best money can buy, but even hired security can turn out to be bad guys. He has to have so many enemies he must sleep with one eye open. Doesn’t he have a house in NY where he recently received a threat? If his address is known what’s to stop someone………

  5. I agree, that if incriminating evidence is in his hand, it needs to be disclosed. Must be.
    But I also see a potential problem of where such evidence might be delivered. I would hesitate to give it to the AG of ny state, certainly, as corrupt as she and her state are, especially when it comes to sex crimes. That would leave the DOJ. I’d be careful with that, too. Publicly might be the best option.
    How about here on IOTW? We’ll handle it for them. No kangaroos on this site.

  6. I read this story at Bizpacreview and it’s not as clear cut as Dershowitz coming forward about sex crimes against minors. The fact is he is contending that he was not involved with any of the people Boise and Epstein are saying he was involved with. Therefore, he would not have first hand experience of any crimes. But he contends that there are emails that have been under seal which would clear him of their claims. It seems to me that the only thing Dershowitz is concerned about here is his own name and clearing himself of any allegations and that “putting people in handcuffs” is secondary to this story. The only leverage Dershowitz seems to have is his knowledge of emails and he’s using the exposure of them as a threat. If his threat is taken seriously the emails will probably never be revealed and everyone slithers back under their respective rocks. Lawyers. It figures.

  7. AA, that’s exactly the point, Dershowitz is NOT coming forward with evidence that he says he has. He is holding it back. I believe Dershowitz is a dirtbag that is grasping at straws. I guarantee he would like to have Trey Gowdy lay a couple devastating sound bites on him. He would know nothing would come after that.

  8. @Joe6 & BB — But he’s not actually saying he *has* the emails, only that he knows they exist (and have been kept under seal behind the cover of “litigation”). This is why I’m saying that he is only using his knowledge of those emails as a threat to get them off his back. Dershowitz also says that “the emails will be revealed” or something like that. I don’t think he cares whether they are or aren’t so long as his threat has the desired effect.

    Read the story at BizPacReview. I think it goes into more detail.

    If he possessed the emails himself I believe that as an officer of the court he would be required to make them public or turn them over to authorities. If you and I know that, I imagine Dershowitz knows that, too. But he’s apparently not the one holding the evidence and so….

  9. AA, I’m not an attorney, never played one on TV, and I don’t do No Tell Motels. LOL BUT, as I understand it, if he has the knowledge that such evidence exists, and know where it’s at, he is obligated to report it. It does not need to be in his possession. Where that GovLawyer dude when you need him? LOL

  10. I don’t think Rand Paul is a bad running mate, but I’ve been thinking about who might be the best running mate, and I’m not coming up with an obvious choice. I bet Trump has a short list he is working off, I’d like to know who is on it.

  11. MJA

    You know, I was thinking maybe Lindsey. But he’s doing such a good job stirring shit up I think Trump needs to eave him where he’s at. I lean a little Libertarian. I like Paul, most of the time.

  12. You know what makes me suspicious of Pence? You never hear the msm tear into him. It’s like he is quietly behind the scenes, on their team. Plus, he received an envelope at the GHWB funeral. What’s with that?

  13. Maybe I missed it but I didn’t hear him say that the e-mails implicated child abusers, he inferred those e-mails proved a conspiracy to falsely accuse him of child abuse. If thats the case there would be no crime in withholding that info until trial.

  14. If Dershowitz was to report this to which organization should it be? The FBI is compromised by the deep state, the DOJ the same. Who can he trust? Some very powerful people will definitely try to eliminate the evidence and the whistleblower.

  15. Joe6Pak, makes a good point-

    He is as dirty as the rest of them.

    There is no “rest of them”. The privilege The Party grants. The oath to The Party one swears. There is only “them”. And us.

  16. I am so disappointed with those who are “quick to assume guilt”. Please do the readers a favor and research the case from 2015 before saying false things about Alan. First, the person who TITLED this article falsified the conclusion beforehand. Second, his emails have nothing to do with hidden unreported sex with minors. As Alan has already said, the case is resurfacing now for “for financial reasons”. Whomever is behind this is looking for a settlement (money) for the woman and a cut of the proceeds for themselves. Alan’s case was already dismissed in 2015. His emails have to do with his 2015 case and all those involved. Dershowitz was simply forced to revisit the evidence and connected the dots on who the culprits are behind the recent allegation. He has nothing to worry about. He was thouroughly compliant and cleared in 2015 which is why the case was dropped. Her accusation was so unbelievable that “The judge struck Roberts’ (the female accuser) affidavit and sanctioned her lawyers for filing it, and her lawyers then withdrew their accusation admitting that it was a mistake”. Dershowitz is innocent. They are just trying to get his money and destroy his reputation.

  17. Perhaps his emails are evidence in ongoing trials and cannot be released. Yet…until trials end.
    Just keep POTUS and VP off same plane or in same location. #3 in line would be dreadful.

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