Des Moines Register’s Surreal Endorsement Of Liz Warren – IOTW Report

Des Moines Register’s Surreal Endorsement Of Liz Warren

Among the reasons given by Iowa’s leading newspaper for endorsing Elizabeth Warren (MA-D) is her reputation for telling the truth. Their statement on her trustworthiness is a howler, ““treat truth as something that matters.” More

Apparently, the Register got its endorsement right only once over the last 30 years. It would seem being selected by this paper is closer to the kiss of death than a boast in one’s chances of winning the nomination. Here

14 Comments on Des Moines Register’s Surreal Endorsement Of Liz Warren

  1. The dmr is a paper of very little consequence. It once had a bit of gas but it lost its good writers long ago. Still gets some ink bc its reliably communist and far left of reality. Been swirling the bowl a long time. Iowans dont really read it save a handful of communists in places like ia city

  2. The Des Moines Register Publisher announced today he’s ordered his staff to research and publish a series of articles on applying for entry level jobs at minimum wage with no benefits. DMR executives claim they’re trying to help those with no sellable skills. Giggling paperboys who were laid off 3 years ago are somewhat suspicious.


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