Desperate to slander Trump, the media defends MS-13 – IOTW Report

Desperate to slander Trump, the media defends MS-13


Patriot Retort:

Golly, I can’t imagine why Americans think the news media is the enemy of the people.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they always side with America’s enemies.

Yesterday, during the President’s round table discussion on Sanctuary policies, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims brought up MS-13.

“There could be an MS-13 member I know about,” Mims told the President. “If they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about them.”

And in response, the President described MS-13 gang members this way:

“You won’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast.”

Immediately the Trump Derangement-Addled “journalists” and Democrat politicians clutched their pearls and well-I-nevered themselves into a tizzy.

Of course, in their reporting of this quote from President Trump, the dishonest, disgusting news media omitted the fact that he was referring to MS-13 gang members.

But of course they did.

18 Comments on Desperate to slander Trump, the media defends MS-13

  1. God bless Trump and the law enforcement guys removing them from the country. Too bad we can’t drop them in the ocean instead instead of sending them back to el salvador, they’re savages

  2. Sooner or later MS-13 and the other bloodthirsty Cartel Gangs will literally force a return to1920s era Al Capone style open warfare tactics. They will leave us no other choice.
    It will become open warfare, shoot on sight ROE, or the entire USA will become another Tijuana war zone. Many places— Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago— are almost there now.

    You’d think it would be pretty simple to round up a clustered group of young males with their freaking memberships freaking tattooed on their freaking faces. All interconnected with each other via social media and cellphone links.

    Just announce, on television PSAs, a national shoot to kill policy.
    Actual cash rewards for their fresh pelts would be a bonus to encourage the proper national spirit about the initiative.

    After losing a couple of well televised SWAT firefights in suburban safe houses, MS-13 will be self deporting en masse.
    We can grab them there as they try to escape across the border, if we choose.
    They can be sentenced to work building The Wall.
    Or just bussed in zipties and hoods directly to the environmentally sound and green-sustainable Mass Graves Of Carbon Footprint Reduction.

    All fine by me.

  3. This is not about ms13. This is about the media criminals. Trump purposely sent the message from day 1 of his campaign. They are Americas true enemy. They must be the ones we blame and punish. They must be targeted, isolated, and held to account. The more we do to gin up the hatred for them the more patriotic we are. If you want to do something good for America, continue to openly mock the media criminals, blame them for our problems, and spread it around. Its called “rules for radicals”, use it on them.

  4. So here’s a (semi-) legitimate question:
    Who does more damage to our country on a daily basis?
    – MS-13
    – The lying media.
    Answer: The lying media, of course.

    Maybe President Trump should quit focusing on MS-13 and focus on deporting the REAL enemy: American journOlists.
    – Send them anywhere. Let them deal with the Ebola outbreak. Whatever.

  5. @loco blanco

    Didn’t the MSM go ape-shit when Trump said “there are good people on both sides” about the Charlotte incident?

    Yes…they will never be satisfied with Trump because they are stupid, fearful, neurotic, etc., etc.

  6. It is about the media, agreed and understood, no argument.

    But the story is also about someone finally standing up and trying to do something about the MS-13 plague. Trump is succeeding to some degree (to what degree I don’t know, he’s just started) but he’s getting some of them out of the country and I think that’s worthy of some praise.


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