Detestable Daily Mail Jerking Their Readers Around – IOTW Report

Detestable Daily Mail Jerking Their Readers Around

The Daily Mail is engaging in #Fap News, with huge headlines about The Juice being possibly denied parole after being caught shaking hands with Abe Lincoln in his jail cell.

The story went on to say that this is expressly forbidden in federal prisons.


It’s illegal to engage in a dutch rudder, but not to have a little alone time. That would fall under “cruel and unusual punishment.”

Go to TMZ for more.

32 Comments on Detestable Daily Mail Jerking Their Readers Around

  1. So, this nurse is making her rounds checking on the patients on the dementia ward. She walks into Gary’s room, and there he is on his back in bed, with his hands at 10 and 2 like he’s holding a steering wheel.

    “Gary? What are you doing?”

    “I’m driving to Detroit!” he replies.

    She leaves and enters Jimmy’s room which is right next door. There is Jimmy in bed really going to town on himself.

    “Jimmy! What are you doing?!”

    “I’m fucking Gary’s wife while he’s in Detroit!”

  2. Mary Palmer and her five sisters?
    You know the old saying:
    ‘Show me a man that says he never choked his chicken and I’ll show you a man with feathers from one end of his house to the other ….’

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