Devin Nunes: Examples of ‘what the Mueller team was really doing’ will emerge in coming weeks – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes: Examples of ‘what the Mueller team was really doing’ will emerge in coming weeks

WA Examiner: Rep. Devin Nunes predicted more fallout from then-special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

After the Justice Department recommended a steep prison sentence for Trump confidant Roger Stone, which was walked back on Tuesday, the California Republican said that “this is not going to be the only example” of questionable behavior during the federal inquiry he called an “obstruction of justice trap.”

“There’s more to come on this,” the House Intelligence Committee ranking member told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, before noting that all four prosecutors in the Stone case, including three who were on Mueller’s team, quit after the Justice Department rebuked their recommendation of up to nine years in prison for the longtime GOP operative. A more lenient three to four years in prison were suggested in the latest court filing.

“We think there’s other examples of things that they did during the Mueller investigation that I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn in the coming weeks as we start to unpeel the onion of what the Mueller team was really doing,” he added. read more

11 Comments on Devin Nunes: Examples of ‘what the Mueller team was really doing’ will emerge in coming weeks

  1. “…Trump confidant Roger Stone…” Not hardly.
    He knew Trump but they didn’t take showers together.
    Stone was an outsider who always tried to make himself
    look like he was a “somebody” while he tried to make
    money off his self-promotion claims.
    Not a bad guy. Just a gadfly to the left so they
    swatted him with a baseball bat.

  2. “…Trump confidant Roger Stone…” Not hardly.
    He knew Trump but they didn’t take showers together.
    Stone was an outsider who always tried to make himself
    look like he was a “somebody” while he tried to make
    money off his self-promotion claims.
    Not a bad guy. Just a gadfly to the left so they
    swatted him with a crooked DOJ baseball bat.

  3. I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn

    To quote Meatloaf, “Two outta’ three ain’t bad”.

    Most of the American (as opposed to United States) people are just waiting for their turn to die. The rest are waiting for them to take their turn. After that’s, best left unsaid.

  4. Why will it take weeks? With all the evidence of wrongdoing that has been made public since 2016, three quarters of Washington DC should be locked up or already hanged. Coming weeks my homesick ass!!

  5. I keep hearing lots of talk but don’t see any action. It’s like the movie theatre scene in Christmas Story. They promise a whole set of dishes but all you ever get is gravy boats.

  6. Any time we’ll start to hear that the giant shitstorm we’ve been waiting for will happen shortly after Trump gets elected to his second term. Yeah, we’ll count on it!
    Oh, and we absolutely believe the numbers of dead from the corona virus we’ve been told too!

  7. I am sure there is lots more to come.

    The sad fact is that we who are truly interested in the truth will know more, but the leftist compliant media will color/obscure/skew or in some other way keep it away from those who could truly be helped by learning the full truth.

    And then there are those who will just put their fingers in their ears and go lalalalalalalal, rather than accept that their messiah and his ilk did anything wrong.

  8. Mueller and his cadre are about to be
    exposed for their deeply entrenched
    criminality and allegiance to the
    democrat party.

    Do you wonder why Pelosi and Schumer
    want this stopped immediately ?

    It will expose them too for the criminals
    they are.

    The ” Deep State ” is very deep and
    we should ALL be thankful that
    President Trump is determined to
    destroy it.

    The Deep State does not represent you

    They represent only themselves because
    they are of a higher order than you.


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