Dexter Thomas: A Small Brain Under a Tall Hedge – IOTW Report

Dexter Thomas: A Small Brain Under a Tall Hedge

I’m posting a recent opinion piece by L.A. Times “contract reporter,” Dexter Thomas.  I suggest that for a more accurate reading, where ever he writes White replace it with Black and when he says Donald Trump put in Barack Obama.



22 Comments on Dexter Thomas: A Small Brain Under a Tall Hedge

  1. I love how blacks feel entitled to give whites advice on being better whites but are deeply offended when whites give blacks advice on being better blacks. I can’t remember the last gang shooting in my white neighborhood so I think we’ll keep things the way they are for now, Dexter.

  2. Because blacks know that if Trump is elected President, the Federal welfare and entitlement gravy train will come to a screeching halt. And then you’ll hear some REAL screeching coming from da hood.

  3. Bleat bleat bleat-fuck off nubian-there really is nothing you can say to me that would either be of the slightest interest or make any sense.

    You’re living in what once was the land of opportunity-now granted because of assholes like you, those dreams are harder to obtain but you still can unless your mind is filled with whistling twat bullshit and that sounds like you.

    That’s 2 strikes for blacks right off there bat-1-2 standard IQ deviations below those of whites and buying your ready made excuses for failure. Pop a 40 and chill because that’s about all you’re capable of.

  4. This quote from the lame LA Times piece – a post on his Facebook account said that he would follow Trump “to the end of the world.” sounds more like a threat than a pat on the back to me.

    “Every move you make, I’ll be watching you” are the words of a stalker not a lover. The guy with the funny hair should check his sources closer or hire another ghost writer.

  5. The wife gets mad when I point and laugh.
    I tell her it’s the people who don’t laugh are the one who need to be worried.
    I got a Stihl hedge trimmer I sure would like to try out on that head hedge.

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