diGenova Outlines the Obama Administration’s Brazen Plot To Take Down Trump – IOTW Report

diGenova Outlines the Obama Administration’s Brazen Plot To Take Down Trump

ht/ Janitor

22 Comments on diGenova Outlines the Obama Administration’s Brazen Plot To Take Down Trump

  1. Those of us following “Q” posts know that this is just the tip of the shit pile. The Q drop today – 1/21/18 laid it all out, and it’s everything we as conservatives suspected of both Hillary and the former Marxist nigger bastard that occupied the WH.

    I see dead people. AND I’LL KEEP SAYING IT.

    The population of the entire WORLD is going to realize how utterly worthless the elites think we are.

    Research the Georgia Guidestones. It’s that bad.

  2. Sure you can trust the government! Just where are all those pure and clean FBI people, you hear so much about, that will stand up and do the right thing? Urban legends and unicorns.

  3. from

    “32. S. 110 of Article III of the Constitution & 18 U.S. Code § 2381 are quite clear. ‘Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.’

    33. So let’s go through the elements. Did Obama owe an allegiance to the United States? Yes. Are Hezbollah and Iran enemies of the USA? Yes. Did Obama adhere to them? Yes. Did Obama give them aid and comfort? Yes. Worse – Obama deliberately made Iran and Hezbollah stronger.”

  4. @Moe Tom January 22, 2018 at 1:56 am

    > Never heard of what the fuck I was talking about. WTF! I give up.

    Not a bad thing. A (few?) dozen quiet hangings a day. No screaming at the clouds and crying in the streets. Just deplorable public humming, of show tunes, like they’re touching their feminine bits… “Springtime for … hmm hmm… and hmm hmm hmm…”

  5. Is it a coincidence that Sessions has been cracking down on MS-13?

    We’re coming for you , you fucking leftists twats! That mean YOU Obama, and YOU Hillary….et.al.

    My mouth is watering at just the thought.

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