Dick Durban Catches the Coof for the Third Time This Year – IOTW Report

Dick Durban Catches the Coof for the Third Time This Year

Daily Wire

On Monday, Durbin tweeted, “Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID-19 today. I’m disappointed to have to miss critical work on the Senate’s NDAA this week in Washington. Consistent with CDC guidelines, I’ll quarantine at home and follow the advice of my doctor while I work remotely.” More

36 Comments on Dick Durban Catches the Coof for the Third Time This Year

  1. I have discovered that 3 things in Combination GREATLY REDUCE the risk of COOF.
    1) An UGLY personality to keep Vermin Away

    2) Any Bourbon above 46% to Create a “CLOUD of DISINFECTANT”

    3) REGULAR WORKOUTS (almost any type)

    Cheers Bastages!

  2. Question: do the Covid vaccines inhibit natural immunity that occurs when one gets a disease? It seems silly that Durbin would receive vaccinations and boosters, and still get Covid multiple times.

  3. They need to keep Covid alive for the election.

    Could try to use it to monkey wrench upcoming hearings and testimony. They are getting desperate as their house of cards falls around them.

    It will get real bad come fall 2024. They’ll try to get us to stay away from in person voting.

  4. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk,

    A: My lawyer (86) took 5 Hits of Vax and kept getting sick AFTERWARDS. At one point he was Hospitalized. (I lost track)

    My Roofer, (79 Japanese) took NO HITS and was NEVER SICK. He has had Colitis for decades but NEVER GOT SICK.

    ME, I Got SHOT TWICE (51 at the time) Forced by Contractual Obligations with Customers. I was sick ONCE (unknown if COOF) very Badly but had no other issues like Heart Shit etc.

    People have to make their own decisions.

    If I Could Go back, NADA!

    I would not touch the shit ever again.

    Understand where I live & the nature of our Government

  5. I recently read that 81 percent of the US population has received at least one dose of the mRNA poison. I imagine Durbin’s immune system is shot after taking three doses of that shit. I doubt he lives another five years.

  6. even steven at 7:02 pm I recently read that 81 percent of the US population has received at least one dose of the mRNA poison.

    That statistic gives you a pretty good reading of the comparative size of “us not jabbed” vs. “them” at this time. How long before the numbers are about even, Steven?

  7. Do I detect a slightly negative vibe or outlook towards the fine Senator from Illinois?

    He’s certainly no more corrupt and evil than all the other “Dicks” from Shitcago. Dicks as in name or reality. Pick your own from a list to be compiled from years, but always remember Mayor Beetlejuice has put forth the claim to the BIGGEST DICK in CHICAGO.

  8. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk:

    Question: do the Covid vaccines inhibit natural immunity that occurs when one gets a disease?

    Yes. “Original antigenic sin” is the colloquial term. Short version: your immune system is hypersensitized to the spike protein generated via the mRNA injections, and that version long ago went extinct. When confronted with the newer strains of the Wuhan disease, your system doesn’t react as quickly or effectively because it’s been partially hijacked.

  9. Hey, DICK! Keep up the good work, always follow those wonderful CDC guidelines, and maybe you ought to think about doubling up on those jabs. It’ll be TWICE as SAVE & EFFECTIVE!

  10. Anymouse AT 8:14 PM
    “I pray for him and many politicians EVERY DAY!

    Lord give them justice here on earth and their reward in the afterlife (SOON IF POSSIBLE).”

    ..that’s a good prayer, Anymouse.

    It reminds me of the Rabbi’s blessing for the Jewish-hating Czar in “Fiddler On The Roof”…


  11. Kcir – watching in “THE” Canuckistan at 6:22 pm ME, I Got SHOT TWICE (51 at the time) Forced by Contractual Obligations with Customers.

    Kcir, what specific paragraph in your contract with customers did you agree to that made you required get the clot shot in exchange for a few more hours of work?

  12. “He just wants to get out of work.”

    What Senator ever did any work?

    They are incredibly lazy parasites who shun work more than a Teamster.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. The only people I know who have contracted COVID more than once have been vaccinated multiple times. In fact, it’s possible for such people to be carriers of the virus and easily infect others, including the never-vaccinated.

    Basically, I try to stay away from people with compromised immune systems who have taken the bio weapon.


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