Dick’s Destroyed $5 Million In “assault-style rifles” – IOTW Report

Dick’s Destroyed $5 Million In “assault-style rifles”


Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Ed Stack told CBS News that his company destroyed $5 million worth of “assault-style rifles” to keep them out of private hands.

Dick’s announced a halt to “assault-style rifles” two weeks after the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting…

[CEO Ed] Stack also admitted the Dick’s gun control stance has resulted in “a quarter of a billion [dollars]” in loses. But Stack does not regret the gun control stance. Rather, he is considering taking the company even further down the gun control path.  More

Publicly traded Dick’s has been slowly gaining value since its 5-year low in November 3, 2017 of $24.48, currently trading at just under $40.00. Here

I’m not sure if investors have already factored in the quarter billion dollar loss, but if not, I’d sell Dick’s short today for a quick buck if I played the market. – Dr. Tar

44 Comments on Dick’s Destroyed $5 Million In “assault-style rifles”

  1. “Dick’s Destroyed $5 Million In “assault-style rifles”

    So Dicks paid for these guns. Destroys the guns. Recycle the metal and plastic. A gun manufacturer purchases material made from Dicks recycled guns, that they already paid for, makes new weapons and sells them.
    I like it. Pretty robust business plan.

  2. If he were a smart CEO,
    he would’ve sold those guns for $10million at one of the buyback fests all the D Presidential candidates fantasize about doing.

    Remember Lindsay Graham wrecking his cellphone like a wannabee Samurai ??

    D’Oh! Such dumb Dicks

  3. So what happened is five million worth of new rifles were manufactured to replace the destroyed ones on the open market and no firearms were kept out of private hands.

    Well, as long as their stockholders don’t mind, it”s their money and they have a right to lose it anyway they want to.

    Anyway, it’s good for whatever manufacturers ended up with the increased sales of the new rifles that were made to replace them.

  4. Just shooting thier mouths off wasn’t enough. I hope they don’t dare to take a tax write off. I’m glad I’ve never been in a Dick’s and even better, I’m glad a dick has never been in me.

  5. Can’t get my icky, scary Assault rifle from Dickless’, guess I’ll just have to go to one of his 25 competitors. Dickless sure taught me! How the hell are they still in business?

  6. …well, it DOES tell you what they are, right on the front door…

    Although I said their name aloud when I read what they DID, it was more of natural reaction to their actions than a free advertisment and I would have said it for ANYONE who destroyed rifles just because they were Black.

    …why you hate Black, dicks? And no, I DIDN’T miss the capitalisation on the “d”…

  7. Haven’t bought a thing from them since they screwed Troy Industries a few years back. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lot has taken up golf and is in Golf Galaxy every week. Guess who owns GG?

  8. Trending downwards today

    Despite articles like “Are Investors Undervaluing Dick’s Sporting Goods Right Now” from Yahoo!

    And “Dick’s Sporting Goods Hiring 8,000 Seasonal Workers” in Marketwatch earlier today.

    It doesn’t take a genius to question the wisdom of management that destroy’s $5 mil in inventory and willingly takes $250 mil in losses for no other reason than “wokeness.”

  9. Stupid, but it’s their own business what they do with their own property. I’ll be fucking furious, though, if they get any kind of taxpayer compensation or tax write-off for destroying their own shit just to be woke morons. Sans compensation, they owe an apology to their stockholders.

  10. the dicks by my house sell mostly clothing.
    very little in actual sporting goods, walmart has a bigger selection.
    If I need anything for hunting I use the internet.
    I can’t stand dicks.

  11. No worries Mr. Ed Stack-o-shite , another company will be more than pleased to accept people’s firearm budget money in exchange for their firearm of choice. Along with purchases of ammo, camping, fishing, hunting gear, baseballs, basketballs, golf clubs, and, well, I think you can figure out the rest of it.

  12. So did that silly-ass stunt increase the value of currently owned AR-15’s?
    If they were smart, they would have found a way to turn them into golf clubs, since that’s their mainstay at the local dick’s.

  13. What a bunch of Cocks!

    Generally with archery & firearms I prefer to buy from specialty shops where the staff might a bit of experience. Nothing like asking a millennial for technical info and getting that huff of air and the eye roll.

  14. I don’t think the IRS will give a retailer any
    credit for destroying its own salable stock on
    a political whim.
    Take an axe to your perfectly good car and try to
    write it off as a loss.
    Good luck with that.

  15. $5 million is about 20,000 rifles at $250 each wholesale. Dick’s should have filed 20,000 copies of ATF form #3310.11. Did they? Also, the ATF has very specific protocols for firearm destruction of firearms; where these followed? I think an investigation is in order.

  16. “Dick’s” is opening a new store in my local area.
    I’m not going in there.
    It will be interesting to see how long this store lasts.
    And the count begins…………..

  17. I used to like shopping there, as I could find some good deals on their fishing lures, but no more. As a gun enthusiast, once they pulled their “AR ban” I never again set foot in one.

  18. I’d say Mr Stack shot himself in the dick, but he probably didn’t have much of one, anyway. He missed shooting his nards; too small.

    I went into one of their stores with a git card I got as a present. None of the staff except the gun section guys were interested in my custom. I used up the gift card buying some ammo and never returned.

  19. Fuck dick’s. Fuck wallyworld. TYM was wrong that a sorry motherfucker like me wouldn’t balk at the recent shitbomb that wallyworld spawned. I’ll pay more to never enter a wallyworld for the rest of my tenure on this planet. That’s ok. I’ll never set foot in an MFA again either. The MFA never said anything about anything… but look at the fucking price tags.

    You want 77 dollars for 80 rods of barbless wire? Fucking Menards wants 42 dollars for 80? Fuck the MFA.

    I told the MFA woman I would not pay that for 80 rods… in a gentlemanly way. She looked at me like I pulled out a rod. I’m thinking, “I’m supposed to pay nearly double for this fucking bullshit?”

    Fuck all of these clowns.

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