BREAKING: Witness says with 100% certainty people seen shooter and notified SS several minutes before 'assassination attempt'
— Canadian Prepper (@PrepperCanadian) July 13, 2024
24 Comments on Did the Secret Service and Authorities “Serpico” Trump?
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Fucking-A they did. But they missed by an inch – AN INCH.
That inch will be the most historic inch in world history.
I just posted this on a previous thread. Make of it what you will.
“There were snipers in high positions. Above and facing the shooter. A total of 8 of them. How did this guy get the first shot off let alone eight? There’s more coming out by the minute. Shockingly FOX News is reporting all of this. Martha MacCallum was almost in tears tonight describing how brave this man is and what he’s been through when all he wants is whats best for the country. Pretty damn ironic since we’ve all seen her insult the shit out of him on National TV.”
It appears that way. The SS waited before they moved.
Incompetence? Or it was a job. Either way they all need to go.
Marching orders for the swamp media on how to present the Trump assassination attempt:
That ladder to the roof, behind the trees…SMDH
I’d hate to think that the Secret Service has been politicized, but really, why would they be immune to the corruption?
Hillary’s response, “what do you mean they missed?”
I worked with the SS quite a bit from 1998 to 2006. And then from 2006 to 2017 in a different capacity.
I have to say I only met about two of them who were competent.
Director Kimberly Cheatle¹ brought every bit of the expertise she developed as a Senior Director in² Global Security at PepsiCo when she took that lateral in 2022 to head up the Secret Service.
1. Didn’t Earn It
2. Note: She was a director IN Global Security, not the director OF it.
This has CIA written all over it.
Libtard friend just posted “thoughts and prayers” on FB. I know it’s entirely snark as this guy had full on TDS so badly he had to take a 6 month break from FB because of how unhinged he was over the last election. I’ve unfriended him. I’ve known him for 35 years.
I’ve been doom scolling Twitter since this happened. Heard it was AntiFa, home grown in the PacificNW. I can only imagine the hateful things being said by local “friends, neighbors and coworkers” right now. I think my Xmas card list is going to get trimmed by a lot after this.
God bless President Trump. 🇺🇸❤️
I can hear Biden now, tomorrow a Trump supporter needs to shoot me in the ear.
The Uniformed SS boss in DC was a great guy to work with. We were both avid motorcycle cats and had an immediate rapport. He called me names, and although I don’t really do that, we got along quite well.
The only other SS guy who made sense was a real Bell System guy. He knew how telco dudes talk, and think. We can say a few words, or not even words, and everybody is in 100% understanding.
The rest of them were either bellowing bitches, or so far under water they just burbled.
Maybe payback for Soleimani? Who else has suicide snipers? There was no way he was getting off the roof alive
Our federal mafia: jail your opponents, murder your opponents, and rape children:
Biden’s HHS Forces Foster Parents To Facilitate Sex Changes For Minors, Barring Christian Adoption
The girls on SS duty seemed to panic.
Also, why are short little women who aren’t tall enough to cover Trump on that duty?
It’s a safe bet that this investigation will be handled with all the speed, transparency, and thoroughness of the J6 riot.
God bless America
Land that I love
Stand beside her
And guide her
Through the night with the
light from above.
From the mountains
Through the valleys
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home.
God bless America
My home sweet home.
I can see it all now: Trump charged with interfering in official government business for trying to stop bullets in Pennsylvania incident.
One of the hardest things to imagine while I was a student in primary grades was the idea that Americans could hate each other so much that even brother could fight against brother in the Civil War. It was just unimaginable and I wrote it off, thinking someone just made that up somewhere along the line.
Now, when I think back on how I was unconvinced of such behavior, I have to be charitable with myself because in my youth that is the America I grew up in. The idea that I or anyone I knew could be so hateful toward their own family members to want to kill them over a political stance was simply unthinkable.
Just like so-called “Antifa”, “Progressive” means exactly opposite the word. I don’t know how we can avoid a second civil war in this country.
They were waiting for Trump’s head to explode. This kid will turn out to be another of those social media types who always end up being the lone shooter.
Remember Vegas?
jim marrs, crossfire 198x. read about ‘suspicious’ secret cervix behavior in dealey plaza.
People who hate President Donald J. Trump are not going to stop calling him a convicted felon, a rapist, a fraudster, a twice impeached president, a traitor, another Hitler or Mussolini, a fascist, Putin’s puppet, a threat to Democracy, and a MAGA extremist. They will wait for about a week or two, then the really ignorant Trump haters will start calling him all these things again. Sometime around September, the Mainstream Dementiacrat Propaganda Media will start referring to President Trump as a threat to Democracy again. After he’s re-elected in November, these politicians and Fake News Purveyors will return to their old ways, except that they will blame his election on this Assassination attempt.
Has Liz Cheney been named chairman of the independent blue ribbon panel investigating this yet?
Perfect time to take out the potato in chief. They can say its a maga revenge killing