Did they use HIV to make Covid vaccines? – IOTW Report

Did they use HIV to make Covid vaccines?

Watch- this short video explains.

25 Comments on Did they use HIV to make Covid vaccines?

  1. French scientists detailed all of that and more back in early 2020. They even included the names of the HIV gene fragments used to modify the Corona spikes and where the different proteins are located in the spikes. Etc. Presto-change-o, your engineered virus. The mRNA with the same coding is in the ‘vaccines’ but produces an auto-immune response if the vax gets distributed around the body with the right tissue type (varies with each person) where it forces the cell to grow its own spikes. If the vaccine never makes it into the blood stream, the reaction is local in your muscle and subsides fairly quickly because it’s easier for your immune system to overcome it.

    The people that did this – from funding to actual biochemistry work – don’t just need jail time…

    They need beheading.

    On TV.


  2. I’m not saying any of whats been said or written about the JAB is not true. Do I think it safe? Hell no. But I would like to point out that what wrecked Q, justifiably so, were Libtard LARPers. If you hears something just to fing weird, it probably is. All I’m saying is I know Libs are doing this with the JAB so just try and think.

  3. “Know your status and get an HIV test, says Prince Harry.”

    Princess Harry: shut the fuck up, and go back where you came from. And take that cradle-robber you married with you.

  4. I remember years ago they were talking about research using engineered viruses to Attack cancer and other types of diseases.

    I got shot up twice with the fuckin poison.
    My Auto mechanic did not.

    I got over Coof in about 1 day. Every one of us had it.
    My daughter & Wife 3 days.
    My son, Nothing what so ever.

    My mechanic was out for 5 weeks, figured he lost about 50,000 gross work & fell behind on quite a few bills.

    I will say, that if anything develops, I’ll join a class action. The Government bought it, distributed it, endorsed it, advertised it, mandated it, & injected it with people in their employment in buildings they own or rent.
    They literally called you a racist, sexist, White supremacist if you did not take it.

    If anyone actually believes that the government is immune from liability, you are dead wrong. They may have given the drug companies a pass but they sure didn’t give themselves one.

    Up here there are still lawsuits from asbestos & all kinds of other shit. Same as USA.

  5. I don’t know about this HIV stuff, what I do know for a fact and stick to is the testing on animals they did before they put mRna in these supposed covid shots and all the animals died.
    The internet has wiped most of those testing sites/reports away now.

    What I have witnessed in my own life is people dying after getting the shots and others who are now experiencing cancerous tumors, blood clots, strange illnesses that doctors can’t figure out, younger crowd not being able to get pregnant. Also weird stuff happening to kids who haven’t been jabbed who spend time around those who have, things like unexplained seizures, nose bleeds, heart problems, etc. Nobody says it’s because their parents or grandparents got the shot, but doctors also have no explanation as to why.

  6. Deplorable 2nd Class, as deadly as the Spanish Flu was its reported that Fauci himself wrote that a significant number of deaths then was from bacterial pneumonia and directly attributed to wearing masks.

  7. Kcir

    Same here. The wife and I got the Pfizer do to my Oncologist breaking down what was going on in his practice. Unfortunately the wife was in n the tele med call. Neither one of us even had a sore arm. My youngest wife had it, barely phased her. My son quarantined with her, never got it. My oldest boy and his family all had it. Minimal symptoms. Wife and I, knock on wood, unscathed. And I’ve been in the gym non stop sense this started. No mask, no gloves. It really does seem like the ones who try and avoid it the most are the ones who get it BAD.
    I don’t know anybody that has received the booster that hasn’t gotten sicker than hell. Don’t get the booster.

  8. “Any reason you antivaxxers keep dying in droves?”

    Well….no. There is no reason. Because we’re not dying in droves.
    You know who is dying? People who got super duper triple vaxxed because Jesus loves them best.

    You Vax nazis can bitch and moan and complain all you want. Because that’s what nazis do.

    You’ll never find any happiness in this world because you can’t find it within yourself.

    Also, you’ll never really get math because none of you fuck knuckles seem to be able to realize that risking your future health over a virus with a 99% survivabilty rate is ……well, it’s fucking stupid.

    The bottom line is that you vax covidians made a stupid choice and are totally jelly of those of us who didn’t.

  9. Learn how to google, for starters what a stoopid name! Myself, I’m clearly in the high end of high risk groups. I believe I’ve had a moderate case of Covid but I was never tested to confirm. I’m taking all the precautions I know of, and knock on wood, with having natural antibodies and taking care of my immune system I’m doing way better than people I know that are vaxxed and boostered. The anti-vaxxers are not dying in droves, clearly it’s the opposite. Wake up and smell the coffee!

  10. Plutonium, radium, spent uranium, you name it, it’s in there. Off your focking rocker, talk about a bunch of nutcases, you people & your conspiracy theories take the cake. The earth is flat & the sky is falling. When they were handing brains, most of you were past on.

  11. I’m a gambler.
    I do it for fun.
    I don’t gamble with money I don’t expect to lose.
    It’s like paying for the experience of sitting at a blackjack table and being able to talk with people from all over the world.
    That being said, I study the odds of the particular BJ game being offered, and (try to) play the way the tables tell me gives the best outcome.
    The Vax carries a certain amount of risk.
    It remains to be seen what those risks are due to the lies coming down from on high.
    The risks from C19 are, however are quite apparent.

    A 53-year-old has a 0.2% mortality rate from COVID, i.e., they have a 99.8% chance of surviving the infection
    For every seven years of age above 53, the mortality rate doubles, so a 60-year-old has a 0.4% risk of dying from COVID, a 67-year-old risk’s is 0.8% and for a 74-year-old, it’s 1.6%
    For every seven years of age below 53, the mortality rate is halved, so a 46-year-old has a 0.1% risk of dying from COVID and it dwindles into statistical zero for teens and children
    80% of COVID deaths in the U.S. occur in people over 65.

    I’m 67. I have a 99.2% chance of surviving this virus.
    I can bring that survival rate up near 100% with the knowledge that there are therapeutic treatments such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fluvoxamine, to name a few, and I have finagled supplies of all of them.
    As I said, I’m a gambler, so when faced with the choice of injecting an unproven substance with about six months of questionable efficacy, or getting the infection (which we all will eventually), I’ll go with my personal 99.99999% survivability.
    Granted, other’s mileage may vary.

  12. This has been my suspicion for a while. I think the “vaccines” are actually working to intentionally damage the human immune system in order to increase the death rate via disease; so the mass murdering globalist scum can claim they had no part in the murders of billions of people who will die because they their mRNA “vaccine” trashed their ability to fight off common and dangerous afflictions like upper respiratory infections and pneumonia.

    The ruling caste are slimy bastards who hate us. They wouldn’t lose a moment’s sleep if a billion people or more died from their efforts. If half the world’s population died, they’d be ecstatic, provided it didn’t include themselves nor anyone they depended on.

  13. Brad,

    I’m not doing a 3rd shot.
    They didn’t let anyone out of our cages after 2 anyway.
    Except us essentials, but now they turned on us, truckers, nurses, Fire & PoPo.
    Only reason anyone is paying is the Trucker’s blocking Trade in Windsor, Alberta, & more recently, Manitoba, BC etc.

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