Did you know? – IOTW Report

Did you know?

Gallup Poll Approval Rating.

Bill Clinton after his first 137 days in office-

Donald Trump after his first 128 days in office-

14 Comments on Did you know?

  1. And did you know that Donald J Trump is Hillary Clinton’s President (and Michael Moore’s, Alec Baldwin’s, Barbra Streisand, .

    I can’t stop smiling! MAGA

  2. I don’t feel like writing today so I am just giving everyone a thumbs up. Even Brad, I don’t have a facebook account so I can’t see what’s on the link but his shit is usually pretty good.

  3. Trump’s major accomplishment has caused the democtrats to be unhinged and deranged. I hope they all can find a psychiatrist. They are very sick people. In the meantime, continue to vote them out of office. MAGA!

  4. Incidentally, those poll results are very impressive, and especially so when you consider how well the polls did at predicting the winner of the 2016 Presidential Election.

    Oh, wait —

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