“Died Suddenly” Strikes Down Notorious Vax Nazi – IOTW Report

“Died Suddenly” Strikes Down Notorious Vax Nazi


[Ian] Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports and mandates and called for the firing of anyone who refused the injections.

He also suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps.

Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, revealed that he died on December 5, 2023.

“I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18,” she said in a post on X. More

36 Comments on “Died Suddenly” Strikes Down Notorious Vax Nazi

  1. Hey VanDufuss, guess what I was doing when I was 33…… Living Life.
    So glad I listened to my brain instead of Fauci and all the talking heads. I have no sympathy for you or anyone that called for others to be arrested, fired, prevented from being on public and forcing your views on free people.
    Poetic Justice.

    So many people were unjustly pressured to take the vax by assh0les like you. RIP.

  2. Well, in his defense, he was brain dead long before he was put in the hospital. Apparently it took a week for the docs to notice. Or does the MAiDs paperwork take that long to provess?

  3. The cause of his fatal condition has not been made public.

    At least no one is denying it was the jab. In a strange way, that is reassuring. I imagine that is the one of the first things they suspected, though, if they allowed themselves to think about it.

    I feel sorry for his family and friends. 33 is too young for a formerly healthy young man to die.

  4. I know an 80 yo guy that went to the VA. Diagnosed with Covid. The VA slapped him on a ventilator on day 2. His family had the good sense to get him out of there. They had to sign all kinds of AMA forms. They got him home and started the run of Ziverdo, Ivermectin, Zinc, and Doxycycline. He’s still alive, no thanks to the VA.

  5. “…with Fox News blaring anti-vaccine propaganda…”

    AYFKM, Bruce Arthur? Every wretched show on Fox News was sponsored by Pfizer back then, and they all probably still are to this day.

  6. Cisco, God is not gonna listen to me praying and pretending to care about some douchebag Marxist after the fact when God himself has already made up his mind at the moment of his death! Not to mention the fact that it isn’t my department to change his opinion on anything!

  7. I’m sure he isn’t the first one to drop dead who was involved one way or another with promoting the jab. Remember the doctor who said he wouldn’t cry at a nonvacinnated person’s funeral? He died in his sleep.

    Prominent cardiologist who said he would not cry at funeral of ‘selfish’ unvaxxed, dies in sleep weeks after endorsing third jab


    Totally unrelated to the jab (or maybe), but this was delicious to watch! Muzzie lawmaker bites it after threatening Israel:

    Pro-Hamas Turkish MP who collapsed after warning Israel of ‘Allah’s wrath’ dies


  8. Papa P THURSDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2023, 18:02 AT 6:02 PM

    On the contrary sir! I find myself giving lots of shitty satisfaction every time one of these ass holes bites the dust. I only hope their numbers far and away exceed those taken by forced vax and/or buying into it before there was sufficient info out there to dissuade them from getting it.

    Doesn’t bring back the innocents, but gives some form of satisfaction.


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