Dinesh D’Souza With Sobering Truth – IOTW Report

Dinesh D’Souza With Sobering Truth

23 Comments on Dinesh D’Souza With Sobering Truth

  1. Yes they’re calling for us to be arrested and/or treated as the Jews were. The only problem for them is, the Jews were disarmed and had no way to defend themselves.
    I have been keeping a list for a few years now, because they all out themselves on social media, they can’t help themselves and they’re all stupid and make their crap public providing their addresses and where they work.
    When/if that day comes I will know who the enemies in my area are.

  2. Hitler once remarked ‘If the Jews didn’t exist, we would have to invent them’. This is one of his most revealing comments on Nazism. Nothing creates more unity than a common enemy.
    Exactly what Pedo Resident and his henchmen are doing.

  3. I’m speaking to common enemy who loves his family and country, goes to work, pays his taxes, volunteers, yes you, the people that make the country work. We are coming for you and all that you stand for, because we despise you and all you stand for. No longer are you a patriot. You are now vile low life scum..
    We will destroy you. I have 87000 new thugs coming for you.

  4. Of course there was also the hyperinflation after World War I. My grandfather said people were paid twice a day at noon and at the end of the day so they shop. Food would double in price in a matter of hours if there was any to be found. Turnips often made up 3 meals a day.
    Sounds like what what we can expect and what is already happening. There’s nothing like the Wiemar Republic as a model for the demonrats. Hyperinflation, political murders, paramilitary, high unemployment, social and political unrest and on.

  5. The far lefties on Twitter that I know have embraced “Dark Brandon” as if creepy old man Joe is a superhero. They are choosing to ignore “the optics” of the Red Speech.

    One example:
    The strategy of, “Scratch that enfeebled image of Biden we’ve been working to build for 18 months now, he’s a scary demon now” is flawless.

    Terminal TDS.

  6. Well a big test is coming regarding the 2A in late December.

    The ATF has a regulation to make the 50 million Americans with lower receiver groups or components of LRGs and tigger rate of fire components illegal without registration and soecific permitted permission from the ATF. (As if these criminals are going to approve a single permit).

    I pray and believe it will face a federal injunction before it happens, and it will be tossed most likely by pressure from congress if we take both chambers in November, but there is a real and present danger the corrupt ATF will be banging on your door with a warrant if you don’t obey.

    The 4 page form requires a photo of all components owned and your face, ssn, etc.

    They will take the corporate product inventories in their possession of components sold and to whom they were sold and use that as pretext for invading your home and killing you.

    Of course all raids will be done by federales at 3am so you think it’s a home invasion so they have an excuse to shoot you.

    Old MAGA vets will be the top of the list. Either comply or die because the commie bastards are coming.

  7. We need to stop kidding ourselves thinking we can get out of this without blood and pain. These people and their sheep followers are blind as to where they are pushing us and think they will get away with it. They won’t, but they just won’t think or even try to see.

  8. When the local restaurants, galleries, and music venues reopened, we didn’t bother to go to them because while they were closed I learned on social media that many of the people we had socialized with there wished our unvaxinated arses dead.

    Turns out, the folks with the Coexist bumper stickers and even some of the people in the next pew are the first ones to post photos of local folks who attended a certain protest –and the last ones to check on their neighbors. So, I am officially absolved of any obligation to shelter them or share my spring water when their condos and suburban homes are under attack or without provisions.

    Fauci and the government response to covid were frustrating but predictable. Finding out how gullible and vicious some of my fellow citizens are has been truly depressing.

  9. Divide the people…
    Exterminate the weakest division…..
    And repeat as necessary.

    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    — Martin Niemöller

  10. Eugenia SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 AT 1:55 AM –
    Hitler once remarked ‘If the Jews didn’t exist, we would have to invent them’. This is one of his most revealing comments on Nazism.

    Not just Hitler and Nazism, but pretty much every dictator down thru history has had to gin up a fake enemy in order to either seize power or hold on to it! Along with dividing the people, it is a well-used tactic!

  11. Cisco Kid…what guns?
    They seem to have been stolen and we never noticed!

    LMAnnie, we found out a few of our favorite restaurants were owned run by weak kneed commies too. One even got about a dozen restaurant owners to sign a letter to General Mills encouraging her to shut down businesses even tighter.

    These liberals who spout viscousness online will get the shock of their lives when the controllers come for them too.

  12. In Brigitte Gabriel’s book ‘Because They hate’ she writes about the revolution in Lebanon in the ’70’s. She sites situation after situation where good friends and neighbors turned (Muslim) turned on their Christian neighbors and slaughtered them. It didn’t matter the class of the person or if the neighbors had helped them or even saved their lives at some point. Christians became the vile the vile enemy to be massacred no matter what. It will be the same in this country with leftists. They would just as soon slit your throat.

  13. You can tell just how smart all these people are on both sides of the isle when you hear the word Democracy come from their mouths…and those that go along with what they say…we’re a REPUBLIC idiots….with a big difference between the two for gods sake!


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