Dirtbag Barista at Starbucks Writes *PIG* On Police Officer’s Cup on Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

Dirtbag Barista at Starbucks Writes *PIG* On Police Officer’s Cup on Thanksgiving


So… one of my on-duty officers decides to do something nice for our dispatchers. It’s Thanksgiving Day; our dispatchers are under appreciated as it is. My officer goes to Starbucks to get the dispatchers coffee as a thank you for all they do (especially when they’re working a holiday.)

This is what he gets for being nice.

What irks me is the absolute and total disrespect for a police officer who, instead of being home with family and enjoying a meal and a football game, is patrolling his little town.

This cup of coffee for a “pig” is just another little flag. It’s another tiny symptom and a nearly indiscernible shout from a contemptuous, roaring and riotous segment of a misanthropic society that vilifies those who stand for what’s right and glorifies the very people who would usher in the destruction of the social fabric. It’s another tiny pinprick into the heart of men and women who are asking themselves more often: “Why am I doing this?”

Just pour the coffee, please. Are we at a point where a task as simple as pouring an exceptionally overpriced cup of coffee is so complicated that it cannot be accomplished without “expressing oneself?”

As a side note, I called the store and was told they’d be happy to “replace the coffee with a correct label.” The proverb ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me’ came to mind.

Thank you, first responders, for risking it all this Thanksgiving away from your families. If you’re looking for coffee use a place where you pour your own and you’re certain of what’s in it.). Stay safe; go home.


The barista has been suspended “pending the outcome of our investigation,” Starbucks told FOX 25 Thursday night.

The police chief said that when he called the coffee chain, they offered to “replace the coffee with a correct label,” but he said that given Starbucks’ track record of other anti-police incidents, he wasn’t buying it.

40 Comments on Dirtbag Barista at Starbucks Writes *PIG* On Police Officer’s Cup on Thanksgiving

  1. Reminds me of the time at a Jack in the Box a nail was found in an officer’s burger, as well as the talk of spit in a burger along with smiles from other members of the staff.

  2. I’d be more concerned of what was “added” to the coffee than words on a receipt.
    Thanks to years of dem-O-spew and 8 years of bam a lama ding dong, I don’t do bidness anywhere I can’t see my food prepared.

  3. Too bad another customer wasn’t there to see that. He could tell the punkass little male bitch that he should realize just how lucky it is for him that man you just insulted is here to protect you right now because I’d be jerking you over the counter and pounding your face into pulp!

  4. Easiest thing to do is make the starbucks area a zero tolerance zone, and cite everyone for any infraction. Widely publicize the zone and people will go elsewhere. Call the Health Board and complain about the sanitation conditions till a health inspector shows up, provided police protection and hold a press conference that the inspector needed protection due to threats.

  5. …I loved our dispatchers, they were always amazing about putting together a coherent picture of things going on in the field from panicky callers, sleepy responders, and harrased squad crews, sometimes with little more than background noises and penetrating questions, when even getting a correct address in the pre-911 days was a challenge.

    They always did their jobs with professionalism and humanity (even the one they called “Movie Mags” for her predilection for reading Hollywood trade publications at her station), and even had time for nuance. For example, one of our hospital choices (we selected at the time based on “Nearest Appropriate” and different ones had different speciaties) was a Catholic one that was REAL good with hearts named The Christ Hospital. Squad crews being mostly young men full of piss and Mountain Dew (my generation’s Red Bull) being sometimes lazy on the VERY public County dispatch radio frequency (no CAD dispatch then) would truncate this to something like “2 Frank 91 en route to Christ”. Setting aside the casual disrespect to out Lord and Savior, this would also be blared from radio repeaters on the fireground command engine for the whole neighborhood to hear, and the nearby family members were liable to misinterpret what was meant by saying a loved one was “en route to Christ”. One of the things our dispatchers would do was to do the readback with VERY clear annuciation “2 Frank 91 en route to THE Christ hospital, 0225”. There was an implicit reburke in the way they said it that even adreniline supercharged young men could get, so it would be followed shortly thereafter with a rather sheepish “2 Frank 91 out at the Christ Hospital” on arrival. If you persited, you’d get a stern message to “Call the comm center on arrival at quarters”, followed by being read the riot act, BUT unless you were an ass, they usually left the Chief out of it.


    And grace under fire, too. I remember one run where all they got was “2 GEORGE 91 MAYDAY”, and no reply to further inquiries. They knew where the squad left, knew where it was going, and knew it had a violent mental on board, so they sent 8 George units and surrounding LEO agencies a BOLO for the wayward squad and basically inwards along its anticipated route to try to find out what happened. This one ended OK because apparently the guy wasn’t strapped well and decided to leave the unit in heavy traffic because, crazy, and had the rear tech in tow trying to keep him from being smeared down Winton Road and the driver hastily ditched the unit, blurted his messsage and went to assist, leaving the dispatchers to do what they could, which was actually a lot. Problem solved, nothing lost but some pride.

    They would also take care of other nastiness for us. I remember one jackass that kept busting intersections behind our Code 3 unit, which was inherently dangerous as people weren’t looking for unmarked cars behind an ambulance, and also because he was in danger of striking the ambulance. I had my driver call the County and the dispatchers arranged for LEOS to peel the guy off toot sweet, which was good because it seemed he had a disagreement with out patient that he planned to settle with gunfire at the hospital.

    This is just a SMALL taste of what dispatchers do EVERY DAY.

    That’s certainly worth a cup of coffee.

    Flash forwards a few decades, and these Starbucks fucks who never faced anything more dangerous than hurt feelings or more complex than a half-double-decalf-half-calf with a twist want to casually disrespect all at random because they heard some asshole Democrat say they should for cheap political points?


    …I’ve said before and I’ll say again, I would be a TERRIBLE LEO. To have a service weapon and this zit-faced, blue-haired, unisex arrogant shithead blowing your entire profession crap like he KNOWS something about life because some out-of-work broken down quarterback turned shoe salesman told him people dressed like you are evil bad rayciss, and to NOT shoot them in the face to immediately rid the world of a future Democrat Representative would be a LOT of strain on ME, and God Bless the LEOs who CAN put up with it on a daily basis and STILL serve.

    So, to sum,
    God Bless LEOS and dispatchers.

    God please do, you know, the OPPOSITE of blessing Starbucks, and PLEASE get ahold of Your wayward children who work there, the Devil has them pretty fooled and they need to see Your light BAD.

    …if it takes a LEO saving them from a situation with a crazy man that their Company invites in, so much the better…

  6. There are so many incidents with Starbucks and Police that I wonder why the Police unions across the country (and here in Canada) don’t just get together and send out a communique to all cops to boycott Starbucks and to ask friends and family to do the same. After all, the coffee they sell is crap and the reason it’s “double shot latte with caramel whatever in half creme….” is to disguise the taste of it and load up the price (as well as your waistline). If there’s a Starbucks someplace you an almost always find another coffee shop close by to try.

  7. @SNS – cannot agree more. The LEOs, first responders, etc. deserve all of the respect in the world.
    I know a majority of them will even say they don’t need the thanks, but will accept it, and most will even have a tear in their eye while they think of the lives they have saved. It is not an easy job.
    Thank you all

  8. Yup, get rid of the little pests and install dispensers in their place. You’ll get the order correct and won’t need to worry about anything going in your drink other than what you want.

  9. @SNS you quote alot of the bible from time to time along with using the Lords name but at same time your use of foul cuss words overshadow the good ones.you cant use the Lords name in such a vain way.you are and will be judged…

  10. I make pretty good ground coffee at home, but if I really want the Starbux experience I’ll go ahead
    and pour myself a cup of coffee, call out my own name incorrectly, light a $5.00 bill on fire and scrape the ashes into the cup!

  11. …you are correct, @anon, and as I have said many times, what good I have is His, the swearing and such is mine, and is not worthy of Him.

    I know this is a flaw in me, and it is fair for you to call it out, but I am only a man and do allow myself a man’s anger at earthly injustice from time to time, the moreso with articles like this that recall to me other days and other dangers.

    I work daily in an international environment, and as such I have a propinsty to try to make myself understood in the argot of my target audience. When my target audience is, say, Starbucks baristas, the base and crude would seem to be the order of the day, as they tend to have little in the way of shame or any desire to understand anything beyond what CNN tells them. The cursing is directed towards them. Rightly or wrongly, I despise them for this behaviour, and try to frame this displeasure in unambiguous terms.

    And yes, that is very worldly of me.

    I do not, as far as I am aware, use the Lord’s name in vain, however. I did in this instance ask that He deal with a Godless business as He has dealt with other Godless institutions of Man, true, but if you read correctly, I also asked Him to give understanding instead of damnation to those that WORK there. While I feel my anger towards them is righteous, I also recognize that He loves them too and wants them home with Him as well.

    You may also note that I do try to avoid quoting His word and cursing the works of Man on the same post. I know my human anger is not worthy of Him, so I try not to dishonor His fair words with my foul ones, but I feel as I do and won’t hide it when it seems appropriate. I talk to God and I praise God, but I am still a work in progress and do not always succeed in turning the other cheek.

    Someone hits my brothers and sisters, they hit ME, and I will hit BACK. Those are my kin at whatever distance in time and space, and I don’t take kindly to attacks on them.

    Not Godly, true, but also not hard to understand.

    I do thank you for rebuking me, however, as I do speak from the Spirit at times, and my speaking from the Man does reflect unfairly on Him. I will take your words to heart and try to damp the rage this sort of thing kindles in me, and try to go with less crude terms as I may, but as long as I walk the Earth in flesh, I may not always succeed.

    Which brings me back to my disclaimer.

    Any good you see in me, is the Lord you see through me.

    Any bad you see in me, is the human me who still struggles in the flesh and is not yet one with the Lord.

    I share my understanding and His word as the Spirit moves me. That is His.

    I share my coarse words as anger moves me. That is sincerely mine.

    Do not allow my harsh words to diatract you from His good ones. When you see them, honor Him, and pray for me.

    God Bless,

  12. @SNS knowing our faults is the first step,next comes repentance to the Lord and you have done this.we wrestle inside with two men,the flesh and the spirit.i am happy you realize this. I also wrestle the carnal man but i do so with a bridle/bit in my mouth.i take Romans cpt.7 serious as i also do James 5:19-20.may His spirit continue to guide your walk with Him until he returns.God bless you SNS and thank you for your interesting article responses.your friend in Christ.”just pass’n thru “😊😉

  13. Agree with the comments about what they are putting in your drink, they’ll spit, sh*t and put drugs in it. NEVER go to those anti-cop, anti-Trump,
    or anti-conservative establishments.

    It would be very easy for the cop to get the kid’s name. Wait a few weeks until this is blown over and then go look him up with a few of his buddies in masks and beat him so badly that he pisses blood for a month.

    My friends and I have done this multiple times and it is very cathartic. My turning the other cheek days and apologizing for my Trump hat etc. are way over. They started it and we are finishing it. Sure, it does make them hate conservative even more but the upside is that they become more respectful and do their conservative hating in silence. I have had them piss and sh*t their pants and I am hoping they are spending their money in several years of post-assault counseling. Hopfully the counselor will get to the root of why they were “poking the conservative bear” thinking that it had no consequences.

    PS: We feel ZERO remorse and I sleep just like a baby after doing it.

  14. Toenex
    NOVEMBER 29, 2019 AT 8:28 PM

    “There is a time for everything, even violence.”

    …the Bible does permit self-defense and is NOT a suicide pact, this is true…

    Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

    Psalm 18:34 He teaches my hands to make war, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

    35. And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.”
    36. Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.
    37. “For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”
    38. So they said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.” And He said to them, “It is enough.”
    Luke 22:35-38

  15. Barista was relieved of his duty. permanently. Just read it somewhere.
    Btw, Starbucks employees have been in the (small time) news a lot for doing shit like this. It doesn’t always go national.

  16. ²Its a shitty thing to do, but I have to wonder why every single time a cop gets slighted, they have to make a dozen phone calls and tattle-tale to the media for attention?

    Take it like a man and nove on with yout life.

  17. The cop is there to “protect and serve.”
    The punk is afforded “Freedom of Speech” by the Bill of Rights.

    Tough call.

    Never been in a Starbucks and have no intention of going, as long as 7/11, High’s, Love’s, Pilot, TA, and sundry gas stations have coffee.

    izlamo delenda est …

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