Dirty Pool? PFFFFFFFFFT – IOTW Report



Michigan congressman Gary Peters is characterized as an Obot Zombie ahead of Tuesday’s election.

A contributor at Ricochet asked if conservatives should “tone it down” with this kind of political warfare. It was a question that made me depressed.

Considering avatar_1396283760-68x68 6Foot2InHighHeels’ thoughts in the comments section I have to wonder if some feckless RINO editor was the brainchild behind this hapless question.

A reader’s comment also kept me from snapping down the laptop lid and thinking about starting a blog about golf-

The left wins by creating caricatures of Republicans, which they accept as speaking truth to power and we accept as free speech, but when Democratic politicians are lampooned, it’s seen as sinister, dark forces intruding on the noble process of politics.  Democrats make people believe their intentions are good, and thus we should be gentle in criticizing them.  We need to get people used to the idea that Democratic politicians are no more sacred than any other kind of politician. – Michael Sanregret

We need to get people used to the idea that the left is evil. The left is the party that micro-manages, overtaxes and controls competent freedom-loving people by coercing the incompetents (who they’ve created) to vote for them in exchange for a guaranteed simple low-class, but controlled, existence.

For a conservative to even contemplate for a moment that slapping posters around a city is too sinful or underhanded, considering what it is we are trying to defeat, makes me question just how motivated they are in trying to eradicate the evil left. You can voice your opinion from the quilting bee, but we’re not going to listen to you, and you’ll benefit from what the subversive, activist right does while your manicured useless hands stay clean.

You’re welcome. Say hello to Jeb Bush for us.

16 Comments on Dirty Pool? PFFFFFFFFFT

  1. Tone it UP! We should be physically fighting these commie rat usurpers by now, if we aim to preserve anything of this once great country. It’s teardown is in progress.. so tone it down??

  2. And left plays by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules when Landrieu called everyone in the South racist and sexist or when Mary Burke put out a response add to her employment history that incorporated Nazi graphs in association with Walker?


    The only difference is we don’t make stuff up, we just take what they say and do and put it in proper context, i.e. they are all totalitarian idiots who like nothing more than taking your freedoms and taking care of them selves and their supports.

    We use the truth to try to beat them right out of government and hopefully out of the public spotlight.

  3. Tone it down? We need a video or gif of Bruce Willis grabbing her by the collar and shooting an Uzi into her face ripping into pieces and then shoving the Uzi down her throat till her torso shreds apart and disembowels.

    Mr. Potter – “Now, do I paint a correct picture…or do I exaggerate?” .

  4. Gary Peter’s (D) ads are showing on all the conservative blogs attacking Terry Lynn Land (R). It is showing on your blog. Is there anyway you can get it off? Notify all the other blogs also.

    Peter’s is a step inline democrat with his cap n trade legislature and Obama. Also threatening Michigan is a Jennifer Granholm ex-aide Mark Sheurer (D) opposing Gov. Snyder – Gateway Computer creator and businessman (R) who has in 4 short years turned Michigan around from the ruins of the Democratic party. Also to let you and your readers know, Michigan is on the rebound with jobs and so is Detroit. As long as we keep the democrats out of office you will see a once leader in Michigan and Detroit with Gov Snyder and Terry Lynn Land as Senator.

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