Disney Admits Morphing Seven Dwarfs into “Magical Creatures” – IOTW Report

Disney Admits Morphing Seven Dwarfs into “Magical Creatures”


After rushing to claim new diverse pictures of Snow White and the group formerly known as the “seven dwarfs” were “fake,” Disney disingenuously reversed course and is now saying the photos were not “official,” claiming there was a “misunderstanding” in a correction notice.

A story broke on Friday from the Daily Mail showing a number of pictures of a Hispanic Snow White, Rachel Zegler, with a group of seven individuals that only included one dwarf. One of the seven is a black woman. The diverse cast is allegedly slated to be used in Disney’s latest live-action adaptation of the classic fairytale. In the piece, Disney is accused of morphing the dwarfs into “magical creatures” in order to be “politically correct.” More

13 Comments on Disney Admits Morphing Seven Dwarfs into “Magical Creatures”

  1. …so are the “Magical Creatures” named Crack, Meth, Fentanyl, Horse, Speed, Lude, and Narcan?

    …just what IS in that apple, anyway? And did Pedo Joe get his 10%?

  2. …but whatever color he may be, does anyone actually think that, given what we know about “Royalty” now, that the prince would bother waking Snow White up before deflowering her and going on his way with his nutz empty and her womb full?

    …suck on THAT, magical creatures!

  3. It’s Disney.
    I stopped paying attention several years ago.
    Who cares?

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  5. if it’s not ok to have 7 dwarfs in the Snow White movie, why is ok to have 1 dwarf?
    It draws even more attention to the single dwarf as he is alongside the avg size guys. you draw attention to his short stature.

  6. If you can’t improve on the original, what is the fucking point of a remake?
    Yet each successive generation of hollywood window lickers think they can do better.
    Can’t think of a single remake that hasn’t been a dismal failure, and yet…

  7. Aren’t there any folk stories from other parts of the world than the West for Disney to “reinterpret?” It’s as if their creative geniuses Disney don’t think other cultures are worth plundering for their profit.

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