Disney Continues To Thrust Gayness Upon Young Audience – IOTW Report

Disney Continues To Thrust Gayness Upon Young Audience


If trailer views are any indication, moviegoers will be flocking to Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast this month. But they may find the “tale as old as time” isn’t quite how they remember it. For one thing, the remake features Disney’s first openly gay character—that of LeFou, the sidekick of bad guy Gaston, reports Attitude. Director Bill Condon, who is gay himself, tells the magazine there’s “a nice, exclusively gay moment” in the film involving LeFou that he won’t divulge. LeFou “one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston,” he adds. “It’s somebody who’s just realizing that he has these feelings.”

A person who’s seen the movie tells the New York Times this “gay moment” is so subtle that viewers may miss it—just as they might’ve missed possible hints that other Disney characters are gay, including Oaken in Frozen and Timon and Pumbaa in The Lion King, per MoviePilot. But it’s not the movie’s only gay connection, reports the Telegraph. Beauty and the Beast is dedicated to Howard Ashman, a gay man who wrote song lyrics for the 1991 original before his death from AIDS at age 40, eight months before its release. Producer Don Hahn once said the song “Kill the Beast” is “almost a metaphor” for Ashman’s battle “with a debilitating disease, in an era when it was stigmatized.”

25 Comments on Disney Continues To Thrust Gayness Upon Young Audience

  1. Another manufactured hollyweird scenario that just doesn’t reflect real life and values.

    Why should I support this dreck with my money?

    Go see “I am Michael” if you find it instead.

  2. Oh, did Ashman get tainted blood from an AIDS victim as my grandmother did in 1983, killing her? Or was he having sex with as many men as he could? Yeah . . .

  3. If this came only 1 week ago. I went in on a collaboration with others to do a client appreciation event. Yah, we book the whole theater for a showing. Last year was Zootopia and I cringed when a fox lectured an elephant that if his fox son self identified as an elephant who was he to crush his son’s dreams.

    Next year- to hell with Disney- if they come to me with a Disney movie I’m out.

  4. The American paying public is beginning to understand the power they wield with their dollars. Target, Macy’s and others are just a few examples. I believe The Political Harlots in the Wood of Holly already sense their industry is showing signs of significant a attrition. In another quarter or two, they could be in serious financial trouble and learning to speak Chinese.

    Movies aside, I wish so very much that a national week-long boycott (or longer) of liberal television newscasts, websites, rag magazines, and newspapers could be organized. Starve the SOBs of their ratings to make them comprehend the vastness of our numbers. They can spew whatever garbage they want, but they will only be part of the liberal, weak-minded few who will hear it. Reminds me of the poster my Flower Child college roommate had in our room: What if they gave a war and no one came?

  5. Boycotting the Disney conglomerate is easy and painless. They literally don’t produce ANYTHING I’m remotely curious to see.

    The fag agitprop confirms their decline.

    Hollywood is in decline overall.
    Lousy scripts. Uninteresting actors playing uninteresting characters in uninteresting situations.

    There’s a huge completely unserved market for actual entertainment featuring likable characters and some semblance of plot.
    I’d line up to see a genuinely interesting film with an actual plot that isn’t a “dark and edgy reboot” (yawn) of an already worn out franchise.

  6. “a debilitating disease, in an era when it was stigmatized.”

    Just think of it as prison sex, without the condom. “What’s that Julian? Well when I was invited to talk to your third grade class about natural and completely normal homosexual interactions I was led to believe all of you already knew. ”

    “And to answer your question, yes, the State Correctional Institution does provide condoms.”

    “Why didn’t he use one?” “Well, that we’ll address tomorrow in our ‘Bare Back means you really love me’ lesson”.

    This is where the Left is going if we don’t derail the train they’ve been driving for years.

  7. “Beauty and the Beast is dedicated to Howard Ashman, a gay man who wrote song lyrics for the 1991 original before his death from AIDS at age 40, eight months before its release. Producer Don Hahn once said the song “Kill the Beast” is “almost a metaphor” for Ashman’s battle “with a debilitating disease, in an era when it was stigmatized.””

    Gayness, especially AIDS was never stigmatized. No one was allowed to criticise anyone who was gay and or had the AIDs virus. If you even offered up the slightest criticism of homosexuality or AIDs, you would get ostracised yourself.

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