Dissension In the Ranks – IOTW Report

Dissension In the Ranks

The Vice Chair of the DNC, Congress member Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D), resigned her position at the DNC this morning on Meet the Press and endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-D) for president.



A Major in the Army National Guard, who as served two tours in Iraq, Representative Gabbard likes Sanders for his military policies.


 An up and comer in Democrat circles, the two term House member has just hitched her political star to the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist who has only declared himself a Democrat for about four months.




26 Comments on Dissension In the Ranks

  1. So she supports disbanding the military? Because if Bernie Sanders Karl Marx gets elected, the military will be cut to a platoon of soldiers, a diesel powered submarine, and a Piper Cub.

    And I just found out my older brother is voting for Sanders. It’s incredible that any human would think Sanders has something relevant to say.

  2. Old Bernie has now offered a choice not an echo. Socialism is officially on the ballot and out in the light of day. Now we know
    for sure who the self identified, self proclaimed anti-American haters are. No more hiding behind a phony benign progressive canard!

  3. As a former US Army NCO and Officer I’d like to remind Maj. Gabbard she took an oath to “support and defend the US Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

    Socialism (in the classical sense) runs absolutely counter to the US Constitution and would violate her oath.

    Keep that in mind congresswoman.

  4. I have no respect for this woman. She is endorsing a candidate who HATES white people and wants to destroy Christianity. Think I’m nuts? Rewatch all of the debates. Remember the one were he says that he is not a friend of Henry Kissinger and then endorses Noam Choamskys explanation of the Khmer Genocide! That broad has the nerve to do this. I will not talk to her!

  5. Is she is working on being an eight star general in Bernie’s new army? Seems she flew through the ranks. Must be a great soldier? How does the UCMJ work now-a-days with being and officer and advocating socialism? I’m confused, I know officers an noncoms that got reprimands for speaking their minds about politics. Thank goodness I’m retired.

    Thanks for your service Major. (he stated shaking his head)

  6. Hammer hits nail head…

    grool: “Just one more example of people pre-positioning for what they believe the inevitable outcome for this dead Republic will be.”

    BTW, guys, her Kegels would snap it off at the root. FWIW 😉

  7. Dear Tulsi
    It may come as a surprise to you, but being a Major in the Army Nation Guard, primarily due to your ‘birth-gender’ is not what many consider a ‘real-world’ qualification. If you earned it, without special privileges, my apologies. I’m sure you saw much action in your 2 tours of Iraq…. although it doesn’t seem so… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard
    that being said, I’m sure a person of your caliber & intellect knows that at this stage in the game that Hillary Clinton has the democRAT party nomination for president all but completed by the un-democratic process of ‘super-delegates’ … . so, at this point, you’re just showing your socialist/Marxist cred

  8. I just read her wiki bio and am wondering how the hell the National Guard let her in unless she lied on her application. She did serve a couple of tours but was no where near actual combat yet advocates that women be allowed to serve in ALL combat areas of combat arms. My god the voters of Hawaii are as dumb as dirt. Have a read of the bio.

  9. My oldest son is in the Army, and has been out in the sandbox. At a FOB, not back at the hotels.
    Does he want to jump out of a convoy during a firefight with a person not required to be able to carry him to cover if hit?
    Hell no!
    Thankfully princesses like that gal hang out at the hotels with the brass rather than putting our sons lives in danger.

  10. Thanks BB
    He was in Germany for a while, now in Oklahoma.
    Heading back out to the sandbox in a couple of months.
    He says it is safer there than it is here where I am in Oakland CA, likely so considering the guys he has watching his back.

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