Disturbing the Dead – IOTW Report

Disturbing the Dead

A self-proclaimed prophet in Ethiopia went to the family of a motorcycle accident victim claiming that he could repeat Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus. The relatives believed and dug up the body of their departed and allowed Getayawkal Ayele to preform his miracle upon the deceased. Ayele is now facing charges for “abusing the dead.” More

11 Comments on Disturbing the Dead

  1. Coming soon to liberal America: I feel like “Jesus” today, and if you claim I’m not Him, then it’s a hate crime.
    Of course, I think there are more libs in America who believe in ghosts than believe in God, so it might not be a problem, here.

  2. Look up the name Hobart Freeman if you think this kind of thinking can’t happen here. TV pentecostal and charismatic preachers don’t like to be asked about him.

  3. Well obviously the “profit” doesn’t know his Bible very well. The Bible says “the dead knows not anything.” So much for the “prophet” making a “profit” off his raising the dead skills.

  4. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”

    You can believe Him……or not.

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