Diversity Training No Longer a Priority for Corporate America – IOTW Report

Diversity Training No Longer a Priority for Corporate America


Diversity, equity and inclusion leaders, who were hired in waves to help companies achieve an ethnically balanced workforce after George Floyd’s murder in 2020, are being phased out, surveys indicate, leaving experts in the field concerned that corporations’ talk of affecting change was just empty words.

DEI roles increased by 55% following demands for broader racial equity and justice after Floyd’s murder, the Society for Human Resource Management reported in 2020. But instead of creating fair opportunities and a comfortable work culture for Black employees, a pair of recent reports indicate, DEI professionals are losing their jobs, as layoffs across the economy have gained momentum. More

15 Comments on Diversity Training No Longer a Priority for Corporate America

  1. We live in an amazing time. Partially thanks to the covid man-made emergency, people are seeing reality as we never were aware before. And things are improving in many ways. But there is a massive tug of war going on right now, the actual fascists on the left doing everything they can to institutionalize their acts of sabotage, while ordinary Americans are realizing that their children are under attack, that public schools cannot blindly be trusted, and that they need to make their own decisions about their families’ health, education, and a host of other things. No time to be complacent.

  2. And they are running to get on the ESG bandwagon before IT goes up in smoke too. Same grift, different name. What they don’t understand is if the boat is sinking the first people overboard are the ones drilling holes in the hull…

  3. The POST OFFICE is a disaster because of Affirmative Action, Political Correctness, and DEI. Dump all three. Maybe then they can compete with the private sector. I am so sick of whiny, PMS fags and grouchy dykes with flamin roids who get away with treating customers like garbage because they know they can’t be fired.

  4. Here’s a fun one:

    My son is in 1st Year University at the same school Elon Musk went to.

    His Average is very average. 84%
    He just called me to tell me that he Got 100% on his last economics assignment. (I can’t believe it)
    It is the Mandatory Bullshit SJW & PC Courses that are dragging him down.
    That is what the WOKE is trying to achieve.
    They Handicapping the traditional disciplines and advancing the USELESS PEOPLE to get them into positions of dictating policy at the top.

  5. They get rid of the DEI people because after hiring they see what WE , the American workers that work and pick up the slack have had to put up with for YEARS!!! They DON’T want to put any effort into working and scream your a RACIST if you write them up . I’m glad you got what’s coming to you, you bleeding heart libs. I hope your DEI crew sues your butt off.


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