DNC Claims Steele Dossier Mostly True In Response To Carter Page Lawsuit – IOTW Report

DNC Claims Steele Dossier Mostly True In Response To Carter Page Lawsuit

Daily Caller

Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee claimed in court filings this week that the Steele dossier’s statements regarding Trump campaign aide Carter Page were “substantially true,” a defense that is at odds with the findings of the Justice Department’s inspector general.

“Here, the ‘gist’ of the complained-of statements — that Page coordinated with Russian government contacts as an adviser to the Trump campaign — aligns with Page’s own description of his conduct,” the DNC lawyers asserted in a court filing on Monday.

The filing was the DNC’s first in response to a defamation lawsuit that Page filed on Jan. 30 accusing the DNC and two lawyers for its outside law firm, Perkins Coie, of providing false information to journalists that came from Christopher Steele, a former British spy. More

12 Comments on DNC Claims Steele Dossier Mostly True In Response To Carter Page Lawsuit

  1. I’ve heard that. I first heard that the DNC isn’t dishonest, or disreputable, or disingenuous, or disgusting. I heard that from President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now I’m hearing that from their Liars-At -Law.

  2. I had read that the FIBS was unable to verify it, It is like trying to verify Cinderella or Snow White and seven dwarfs. They will never get that limey slease ball, Christopher Steele over here to testify about how guilty he is,

  3. “….only MOSTLY dead (a lie)…. mostly dead (a lie) is still slightly alive (the truth)….”

    Thank you William Goldman, Princess Bride, and Miracle Max


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