DNC must think the media is the enemy – Disallows Fox to cover convention – IOTW Report

DNC must think the media is the enemy – Disallows Fox to cover convention


The Democratic National Committee announced Wednesday that they are not allowing Fox News to host any Democratic presidential debates this election cycle, citing the network’s alleged “inappropriate relationship” with President Donald Trump.

DNC Chair Tom Perez released a statement indicating that he wants the Democratic message to reach as many voters as possible, but also claiming that Fox is “not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate.”

“I believe that a key pathway to victory is to continue to expand our electorate and reach all voters. That is why I have made it a priority to talk to a broad array of potential media partners, including Fox News. Recent reporting in the New Yorker on the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates. Therefore, Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates.”


15 Comments on DNC must think the media is the enemy – Disallows Fox to cover convention

  1. Trump tweet. 18 minutes ago.

    Donald J. Trump

    Verified account

    Following Following @realDonaldTrump
    Democrats just blocked @FoxNews from holding a debate. Good, then I think I’ll do the same thing with the Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election debates!

  2. Deep in the bowels of the GOP central, some hopelessly worthless piece of shit in charge is debating if the GOP should ban Fox News too.

    I guarantee you that the common sense proposal by Trump to ban CCN and MSDNC in retaliation will be completely ignored by the stupid fucks running the GOP.

  3. Meerkat

    My gut tells me he’s been gathering dirt on these ass holes for a while. It’s time to make an example out of one of them and castrate a MoFo. Let’s do Schumer first.

  4. None of the “respectable” networks deserve a debate. ABC and Stephopottamus tried to kneecap Romney with a preplanned abortion attack. CNN has repeatedly – REPEATEDLY – flown in Democrat plants to both Republican and Democrat debates.

    All debates should be on C-Span.


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