DNC Rejects Andrew Yang’s Request for More Qualifying Polls Ahead of January Debate – IOTW Report

DNC Rejects Andrew Yang’s Request for More Qualifying Polls Ahead of January Debate

GatewayPundit– The Democratic National Committee has rejected a request from Andrew Yang for the party to do more polls in early voting states to make up for the lack of them during the holiday season.

Yang had argued that the lack of qualifying polls for the next debate may keep him and other candidates off the stage, as the DNC has created a set of arbitrary rules that happen to help exclude their non-preferred candidates.

To qualify for the next debate, candidates must have 5% support or higher in at least four pre-approved polls between November 14 and January 10. There was only one qualifying poll from Iowa, New Hampshire or Nevada released in the last 38 days. read more

5 Comments on DNC Rejects Andrew Yang’s Request for More Qualifying Polls Ahead of January Debate

  1. “Yang had argued that the lack of qualifying polls for the next debate may keep him and other candidates off the stage, as the DNC has created a set of arbitrary rules that happen to help exclude their non-preferred candidates.”

    He figured it out. And here we thought he was stupid.

  2. Shut up you uppity slope, can’t you see us Demonrats only allow white folk, and you are are supposed to be the smart one cause your Asian. Cmon man, I’m serious, True story, I remember deer hunting dad in Scranton got drafted and played suicide roulette vs the VC.

    Stay on the plantation we put you in you grandstanding minority you.

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