DNC Vice Chair Accused Of Abusing Affordable Housing Program – IOTW Report

DNC Vice Chair Accused Of Abusing Affordable Housing Program

Daily Caller:

A vice chair of the Democratic National Committee is accused of abusing a New York affordable housing program for his own benefit.

State Assemblyman Michael Blake, who was tapped for a state task force investigating corruption in one housing program, “has for years taken advantage of a different homeownership program by improperly subletting a government-subsidized condominium intended for moderate-income tenants, in violation of a host of rules and restrictions,” Crain’s New York magazine reported Monday.

The magazine noted that state and city housing officials pledged to investigate the issue. more

7 Comments on DNC Vice Chair Accused Of Abusing Affordable Housing Program

  1. ” … state and city housing officials pledged to investigate the issue.”

    He’s Black, he’s a Democrat, he’s a politician.

    Nothing meaningful will come of it.

    That’s just the way it is.

  2. There were a few popular NDP representatinve (more left than the Canadian Liberal party) who were living in a blended PENTHOUSE CONDO in Toronto to be “close to their constituents”.

    One pecker head eventually made it to FEDERAL POLITICS where he would get his bicycle and his ass hauled to just around the corner of the parliament building where he would get out and ride the last couple of blocks for the TV/media.

    When he died, they cast a statue of him in Bronze riding a 2 person bike and put it in his riding.

    He was given a state funeral, loved by the CBC, had never won and election.

    Not quite the same but, I relate this as the GOLD STANDARD of “Advocate for the Homeless” and “environmentalist” Canadian style.

  3. Been saying this for a while: (And Trump included this in an answer before the National Assoc. of Governor’s presser): There is an INCREDIBLE amount of fraud, waste and abuse in this country, from lowest level local to fed, that if this issue is the only one tackled if would make a significant dent in our national debt. Suppose for every dollar spent, 1.5 – 3.0 was stolen/wasted?


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