Do The Ohio Derailments Have Connections To Intel Chip Plants? – IOTW Report

Do The Ohio Derailments Have Connections To Intel Chip Plants?

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9 Comments on Do The Ohio Derailments Have Connections To Intel Chip Plants?

  1. Rumor is….

    A shipment of plastic train portable derailers was stolen on the East coast nine months ago….

    With all the illegal border invaders…. How many saboteurs have crossed our borders….????


  2. RadioMattM
    FEBRUARY 15, 2023 AT 6:20 PM
    “Am I the only one not able to watch this video?”

    I got some weird Trump fake singing thing instead. Maybe there’s a video there somewhere, but I can’t fast forward Rumble and I don’t have the patience.

  3. Intel on who? Plastic derailleurs, on bikes, deraill a train never. Reported the axle on one freight car was burning/sparking for 20 miles. Train axle wheel detection system didn’t catch the failure, why.

  4. We are at war.

    Tokyo Rose is being played by our very own politicians on the left and some on the right.

    Nothing is wrong but you!

    Sit still and let it happen!

    You are a bad country and must be changed!

    White people must go!

    It’s bad you want to make money and raise a family!

    You will eat bugs, have nothing, and be happy!

    Freedom is your enemy!


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